Todoroki stood up and knelt beside your desk. "You have to let me help you."

You were now trembling slightly from the pain, but you couldn't let him. You didn't want to hurt him. "N-no, I-I can't."

Todoroki took a deep breath and cautiously moved his hand towards you, ice swirling from his palm. But, the second his fingertip touched your arm, a small shock nipped at his finger, causing him to withdraw his hand. "Please... D-don't, Todoroki- AH! SHIT!" You exclaimed, now fully drawing the attention of everyone in the class.

"Y/N, please don't use that kind of language--" Present Mic began, until he saw what was happening. He quickly approached you and Todoroki. "Y/N, you need to deactivate your quirk."

You clenched your teeth to try and numb the pain, looking pleadingly at Todoroki to explain on your behalf. He nodded lightly and turned to Present Mic. "It's not her quirk. It's an effect of what happens when she overuses it, but she hasn't overdone it, and it's never this bad--"

Todoroki was interrupted by another yell from you, your skin turning purple from the shocks. "Iida! Go get Recovery Girl!" Present Mic called to Iida, who nodded and ran out of the classroom.

Denki shot out of his seat and rushed towards you. He examined the shocks of electricity striking your arms. "It's a short-circuit. Yours aren't supposed to get this bad if you get them dealt with as soon as they start happening!--" He paused.

"You've been hiding it." He furrowed his brows in worry as you exclaimed again, now falling out of your chair in agony. You sat on the floor on your knees, biting on your lip to try and stifle the sharp groans that escaped your lips.

"I-I'm s-sorry..." You whimpered, "FUCK! THAT HURTS LIKE A BITCH!"

"It's okay, but why didn't you tell me?-- Oh, damn it. You basically did. I'm sorry, I should've realised." Denki apologised, his eyes swimming with guilt.

You shook your head lightly to show that it wasn't his fault, biting down harder on your lip to stop yourself from yelling out again.

"Tch, what the hell's going on now?!" You heard Bakugou yell, along with the scraping of his chair as he got out of his seat. He paused when he saw you. "Y/N? What the hell's happening to her?!"

At this point, most of the class was out of their seats and creating a huge huddle with you, Present Mic, Todoroki and Denki in the middle. Uraraka, Tsu and some of the girls squatted or knelt beside you, comforting you and telling you it was going to be okay, but at that point the pain had become so unbearable that you were panting heavily and nearly entirely on the floor.

You felt increasingly dizzy and light-headed by the second, your vision blurring as your breathing grew shallow. The pain wasn't getting any better and you felt like you were about to pass out. "Hey, Y/N. Come on, stay awake." Todoroki's voice was tainted with worry, his speech slowly growing more muffled as your ears began to ring. He snapped his fingers in front of your face. "Y/N! Stay awake, help is coming."

He placed his hand on your cheek and began to cool you down. He wasn't sure if it was helping, but you seemed to regain a bit of consciousness, so he kept his hand there.

"Everyone out of the way!" Recovery Girl forced her way through the crowd surrounding you and began examining you. "How did this happen?"

"She's short-circuiting." Denki said, not taking his eyes off of you.

"She told me she couldn't feel her arms, and then the shocks just kept getting worse." Todoroki added as he placed his hand on your other cheek.

"Y/N, help is here. Recovery Girl is here, you're okay. You're going to be okay." He reassured you, looking down at you with concerned eyes.

Warmth [Todoroki x Fem Reader - MHA/BNHA]Where stories live. Discover now