Training? ~ Chapter Four

Start from the beginning

Bakugo stays silent a moment. "Wait- CHEERLEADER!?" Katsuki yells.

Shinso couldn't help but chuckle, "You'll figure it out someday." They both sit in silence a moment longer.

"What were you doing in 1-c dorms anyway? I thought you went home with sleepasaurus yesterday?" Bakugo asks, proud of the new nickname.

"You do realise I have friends, right?" Shinso tilts his head slightly, almost offended.

"You're right, sorry." Bakugo nods.

His words caught both of them off guard. Katsuki (Lord Explosion Murder) Bakugo just apologised?!

"It's fine, I was half-joking..." Shinso begins, "a friend of mine needed homework help and since I'm always early anyway I figured I'd help her out."

"Her?" Bakugo asks subconsciously.

"Yeah, ✨her✨" Shinso replies.

(✨= jazz hands? 😃👍)

"So.. who is she?" Bakugo asks, acting casual.

"Her names Mai Hayashi." He pauses a minute, "You know nothing about my class do you?"

"Not really..." Bakugo shrugs.

Shinso stands up and grabs his bag, "come on!" He walks towards the door making Bakugo rush to throw his bag over his shoulder and catch up.

Shinso allows Katsuki to walk through the door first, holding it open for him which wasn't verbally appreciated.

"Where are we going?" Katsuki asks.

"I got a message from dad saying he forgot his coffee in the staff room, figured we could walk and talk." Shinso suggests as they walk towards the staff room.

"You expect me to go into the teachers staff room!?" Bakugo stops walking.

"Nope, you can head to class if you want." Shinso pulls his phone back out of his pocket, "You have 5 minutes until homeroom so might as well head there now instead of being late." Hitoshi shrugs, continuing towards the staff room.

Bakugo glances down the corridor to his classroom and sees Tenya Iida entering the room followed by pink cheeks and his least favourite nerd. He then glanced to Shinso who had already got quite a way further down the corridor, nearly at the staff room. "THIS DOESNT MAKE US FRIEND, FREAK!" Bakugo calls, running after him.

Shinso flinches slightly at the name before reminding himself that Bakugo didn't mean it. "Of course it doesn't." Shinso replies smiling softly and nudging Katsuki as he begins walking at his side.

Hitoshi knocked on the staff room door, Bakugo stood to the side.

"Ah! Young Shinso!" All Might greets him.

"Good Morning, All Might sir, my father left his coffee, I'm just here to pick it up for him?" Shinsos voice is professional and angelic recieving a funny look from Bakugo.

"Yes, of course!" All Might steps out the way to let the boy into the staff room, noticing Katsuki and inviting him in just for him to refuse before closing the door.

"Hitoshi?" Present Mic asks, pausing his conversation with Midnight.

"Hey pops, shouldn't you be in class?" He asks, pointing to the clock 8:23.

"OH SH-" Mic gathers up his belongings and hurry's out the room to which they all laugh.

"So young boy, you and young Bakugo? Friends?" All Might asks, sitting back down next to Midnight.

"No, he's adamant of it." Hitoshi rolls his eyes, grabbing his dads coffee. "We just train together."

"Oooo~" Midnight suggests with a wink, "So you're not friends but you fight each other, shirtless?"

"ITS NOT LIKE THAT!" Shinso blushes softly.

"Midnight, please- they're children!" All Might bellows.

"Whatttt?" She rolls her eyes, winking at Shinso again as he leaves the room.

"You gonna tell me why I just saw the walking microphone running out cursing?" Bakugo asks, pushing himself off the wall that he was leaning on.

Shinso snaps out of his flustered state and chuckles, "He's late, so are we now." He shows his phone to Katsuki, 8:27.

"By 2 minutes, who cares?"

Shinso simply smiles as they walk towards class 1-A.


I know this is A LOT of dialogue instead of story development but it's all neccessary (promise x)

Word count: 1174

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