Halfway down the tree, I heard the loud crunch of wood meaning dad probably already made it in. Startled and afraid, I let go of a branch and fell a few feet down, falling right on my arm. I grimaced at the pain, but was up on my feet before I knew it. I needed to leave. I swung my backpack over my shoulder with my good hand, and ran. Not even bothering to look back at my dad who was probably scorching with rage. I was already bolting down the street when I heard him smash beer bottles onto the driveway from my bedroom window, but I was out of there.

I ran for as long as I could, huffing, feeling the pain in my arm only grow with each step I took. It was sunny, and also blazing hot. Yet here I was, running in my pajamas which just consisted of my old elementary gym shorts, and a t-shirt under my grey hoodie. I toyed with my nails, chewing away my problems and slowed down to think. My dad must be so mad... It was probably safer not to come home tonight.. Id have to crash on a bench at the park again.. I glanced at the time on my phone to see that it was now... 12:54. what now? I thought. With the sun only pestering my ebony hair, I concluded that I had to at least clean up somewhere. I must look like shit.

Eventually, I noticed that I had finally walked into town. It was a fairly normal day, people were up and about, walking through the streets from shop to shop. Hot dog salesmen where already selling hotdogs to whiny children, and inpatient businessmen. Some cars where zooming to and fro also, all just oblivious of what just went down in my broken home. I tied up my hoodie around my waist and sighed, walking on until I found a nice little coffee shop, that doubled as a bookstore apparently. Smiling, I ran across the street towards it while clutching my arm. I saw people warmly drinking coffee, and typing away on their macs inside, so I knew it would be the perfect place to spend the day. Just as I was about to open the front door though, I saw a handwritten help wanted sign taped to it. They seemed to be in need of a new cashier urgently, something about an employee stealing from the cash register, causing them to go bankrupt soon. They seem like they need help. I took the paper, and walked in, immediately greeted by the sweet smell of caffeine and the sound of slow piano music playing. This is nice, I thought. I walked straight to the cash register, nervously clutching the strap of my backpack.

"Hello! Welcome to the cliffhanger cafe and bookstore! May I take your order?" An overly cheery ginger said to me, whose name tag read 'Alan'. He seemed nice. I smiled at him, before handing him the wanted poster from outside. He took it confusedly before getting what I was saying.

"Oh! Are you looking for an application?" He asked, loosing the happy worker façade and talking to me like a normal person. I nodded eagerly seeing him smile fondly.

"Erm, alright then...have a name?" He asked, rustling things under the counter. I reached into my backpack and found my old wipe-board and dry erase marker, before scribbling my name.

My name is Kellin Quinn, Nice to meet you.

He curiously smiled up at me as he handed me an application, "What? sore throat?" He asked. I shook my head smiling before writing a response.

Not exactly...I'm mute. Have been since I was young.

He gave me a deadpan look before scratching the back of his head. he opened his mouth to speak, but knowing what he would say, I stopped him with my pointer finger and wrote as quick as I could. Occasionally I would glance up at him, finding him seem interested on how I communicate.

Look. I know it seems like kind of a long shot, but I really need the money. Look at me! I look awful..and would really appreciate it if you could give me, a homeless mute, a chance dude. I promise I wont disappoint you.

I give him a month (Kellic) BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now