

Day 2 (continued)

I awoke to the beautiful view of leaves twirling in the wind right outside my window...and it was nice. Its not often that I take a moment to appreciate the beautiful things outside...I'm usually a bit to bitter to even notice to be quite honest. Seeing the scenery made me take in everything that I've lived through lately..and seeing just how pretty nature is, it really makes you re-think things. I giggled quietly to myself, sitting up in bed to stretch. Funny how I've thought about killing myself countless amount of times, but I still seem to be completely in love with life.. Ironic, huh?

Thats why I love to draw so much...I love to capture my point of view on things; I love it because its always different then what many also see and experienced..sadly though, all I've ever known is pain and suffering, which may make it seem a bit morbid. I'm not trying to give you a sad sob story either, because honestly, I could do better without the pathetic abused mute boy sympathy.

Even at a young age my parents didn't give less of a shit about me. One time, I even remember climbing a tree a few blocks away from my house once. I stayed there for, what? nine hours? I wanted to see if my parents would ever come looking for me...but they didn't. I was four. Four years old, and I already knew that my mother was off selling herself off at a bar and that my father, was royally hung over at an acquaintances' house and still probably planning to jab a needle into his veins full of poison shortly after... and yet; There I was. brushing away my once short blonde hair, and feeling the cool sensation of tears streaming down my rosy young cheeks. I let myself cry and yell for hours and hours... I don't know for how long either. It was at that moment that I knew: nobody loved me. I cried and wailed over the sound of a train nearby, shaking the windows in the houses. I yawned, going to stretch until I was interrupted by--you guessed it--yelling.

"WELL WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU DO IT BITCH?!" I heard my dad holler from downstairs...I could only make bits and pieces after, until they got back to yelling again.





And then... slap. The sound of a hand (I think it was my mothers) colliding with my dad's cheek, echoed through the creaky, cold house. It was dead silent before they were off. Sounds of glass bottles crashing against the walls, loud thumps being made against the walls, shaking the whole house in the process. I clutched my sheets tight, seeing my knuckles turn white from the pressure. It was torture. My body was shaking, and my mouth was extremely dry...I was so fucking scared. It went on for a few more minutes before I heard my mother screaming and crying, followed by my father yelling angry growls of obscenities at her. The sound of plates crashing made my eyes quickly water, turning my vision into a blurry, sad mess.

"ARE YOU IN THERE BOY?! I'LL FUCKING KILL BOTH OF YOU!" I heard from downstairs. I jumped. Thats my cue.

I lunged for the door, feeling warm tears fall down my cheeks. I flipped each and every lock I had on it to keep it closed. That should keep him busy for a while. I yanked my backpack, stuffing basically everything I needed for the day, and a few clothes from my desk drawer. I sure as hell am not going to stay here and wait for yet another black eye. Finally clutching my phone, I opened up the window and was climbing onto the tree outside, when I heard my bedroom door slam. It took everything me to hold onto the slim branch and not fall down to my death. Although tempting, I had my mind set on one month exactly, and I wasn't going to let that change.

I give him a month (Kellic) BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now