She gave him an encouraging smile, a small nod, and that somehow, boosted his confidence, "And I can't believe I get to call you mine. Forever." He took a deep breath, and then leaned closer towards her, "mine, not in the way that 'you belong to me', but more like 'you belong with me', and I never want to let you go,"

Amelia's face lit up, "I love you, Amelia Jones. I love you, always and forever"

He watched her eyes fill with tears, and at that moment he knew she was going to outdo him. Not like it was a competition— but Javi wasn't sure he would be able to hold the waterworks.

"Javi, you're my best friend." She started, and then tilted her head to smile at him, watching him blush, "and maybe a little more than that. You're the one person who knows me better than anyone else. You make me a better person— you inspire me to do that on my own, to try and be better. You, you're someone who carries on forever, with me. You knew me, and you accepted me, and you believed in me before anyone else. And when no one else did. And I know this, no matter what happens, Javi, I'll always be in love with you. Nothing can ever change that. And I'm so, so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

Javi felt like his heart would explode. This girl, this sweet angel, she was going to be his wife. Oh god, oh my fucking god. Javi bit his tongue to hold back the tears, and found himself lost in her eyes, lost in her words, lost in the moment, as if it was going to be his forever, and the world seemed to fade into a blur once again. Now it was only him, and Amelia.

And suddenly, he heard the words, "you may now kiss the bride" and maybe on queue, he and Amelia leaned towards each other, to make their lips meet in a soft, wholesome kiss, as the entire hall burst into cheers. Javi wrapped his arms around her waist, and she cupped his cheeks with hers, and his brain stopped swimming, stopped fuzzing around, he felt like this was it. He didn't want anything else, he didn't need anything else.

Javi Garcia was... happy.


"You look so beautiful, baby girl," her mother almost had tears in her eyes, when she looked at her daughter in her wedding dress, "I can't believe this is real" she put her palms in front of her mouth, sobbing slightly, "you look so, so beautiful"

"Oh mom! Are you crying?" Amelia asked, hugging Santaura, "MOM!"

"I'm not crying" Santaura said, clearly crying, wiping her eyes, "Oh my little baby girl is so big she's getting MARRIED! Oh!"

"DAD—" Amelia joked, but then sat her mother down, "when did you get married? And how were weddings on Rafkon?"

She knew that would distract Santaura, and it did, as she started narrating about her own wedding, back on Rafkon. Amelia did feel bad, sometimes, that they hadn't gone for a traditional Rafkonian wedding, with her own style, but after much contemplation, and thought, and advice from Javi, among many other people she had decided that since Pop Pop had raised her, and that she somehow felt more acquainted with Earth's culture than that of Rafkon, they'd have an Earth style wedding, and not a Rafkonian one. When she'd told Javi of the decision, and asked him if her parents might feel bad about this, he had replied, almost humorously, "well then, when we have a re-wedding, fifty years later, we can have a Rafkonian wedding. I bet by then you'd known Rafkonian culture inside out" he'd winked.

She was glad to know that her parents didn't mind, and Pop Pop— and Javi's parents, after finding out that their future daughter-in-law was an alien— were very happy about it. Zayto and Aiyon made a little fuss about it, especially Aiyon, but they too gave in, especially when Ollie explained to them, they could wear Rafkonian clothes instead of human ones, if they wanted.

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