Your father gave you to us.

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●•Ema's Pov•●
Both of them smirked.
The fedora man came closer.
"Hey there, gorgeous~"
I blushed and looked down my lap.
"Apples, we are going to suck you dry if you shout or complain."
Wait, what suck me.?.
These guys are kinda weird. They have
Pale skin...sucking....strong grips....
My heart beats faster by the second.
"Oh, is gorgeous getting nervous?~"
The fedora man said, putting his hand around my shoulder.
"Wait a-are y-you vampires?" I trembled.
The fedora guy chuckled.
"We are, such a smart , pretty girl~" That was frightening me.
I'm scared.
"A-are y-you going t-to k-kill me?"
I asked, not daring to look in his eyes.
"No, or at least not yet. Be a good girl, and let us suck you, " the green eyed guy who wasn't wearing a fedora said.
"C-can I know w-what do you w-want f-from me other t-that sucking m-me?" I asked, trembling badly.
"Okay, I'll tell you the story." The green eyed guy said.
"First, I am Ayato sakamaki, and this is my brother Laito. We are vampires, and we need a sacrificial"
I cutted him off.
"S-sakamaki?, my father's best friend is a sakamaki. Does KarlHeinz have any relations with you guys?" I asked curiously.
Their faces darkened.
"S-sorry, I didn't mean to say something wrong," I said, concerned I didn't want to make them feel bad.
I hate people feeling bad because of me.

●•Laito's Pov•●
She said, concerned. She was really cute. I like her.
But I didn't like the idea of her knowing, Father, we aren't on good terms with him.
"He is our father." Ayato said.
"And we need a sacrificial bride because we need blood.
We do have one that was supposed to be Eve, but she didn't submit to any of us. Well, yes, she did submit, but that didn't seem to work, which means she is not Eve. What I mean by 'us' we are six vampires. There are four back home. And you have a blood that all vampires crave. So we are taking you. Long story, short you will be our blood bag." He said simply, she looked scared and her heart was beating faster and faster.
Also, she seemed that she was thinking of something.
"Y-you can't j-just take me I have a family and a l-life, f-father wouldn't a-allow t-that!"

Ayato chuckled.
"Your father is the one who told us that we can have you he told our father first." He said.
She looked at him shocked, and then she looked down disappointed and sad.
"O-okay." She said in a low tone.
Ayato looked at me confused. I shrugged at him, not knowing what to tell him.
"Can we suck her now? I'm excited to taste her?~~" I asked.
She looked up scared but didn't move. Ayato smirked and got to her neck, and I kneeled down to her inner thigh. She looked at me frightened, I just smirked.
Ayato bit her, I gotta admit, that was a harsh bite. She flinched hard and shut her eyes tight.
I went down her thigh and gave her a lick she looked at me, and fear and pain filled her eyes.
I bit her, and she flinched and tightened her hold to the car's chair. Her blood was delicious and sweet. Her thick blood went down my throat. It was one of the best moments of drinking blood in my life.
Bitch-chan is nothing compared to her.
"I-It h-hurts." She yelped. But I didn't struggle.
When we finished, she looked at me weakly.
"I feel dizzy..." She whispered.
Ayato gave her cranberry juice.
She drank it and felt a bit better.
This girl is so sweet she smiled at me and Ayato and respected us even though we hurt her.
Ayato was playing with his shoelaces on our way back home they were loosened.
She looked at him, then kneeled down and tied them for him. We both looked at her, surprised.
"You may fall Ayato-kun, please be careful. I know you vampires are weaker on a bloody moon night. What if you fell, you'd hurt yourself."
She said, concerned while tying up his shoes.
"Done!" She chimed when she finished, smiled at him and went back to her seat, and looked out the window. We were shocked that no one ever treated any of us like that.
She really is something else.

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