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"Dan-I calm down

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"Dan-I calm down. First, call the police."

Cale said putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Right police"

Dan-I trembling held her phone trying to call the police. But one of the guys came and started snatching her phone.

"Hey, give me the phone"

They were dangerously close to the road.

"Dan-I be careful"

Cale called but he was still too late. He saw her being pushed out to the road.

Out of reflex he hugged her and shielded him with his body.

A truck was coming at a high speed.

"CALE!! DAN-I!!"

Eunhyung shouted.

Fortunately he stopped, but right in front of Cale's face.

"They're under the truck"

"Hey! Are you both okay?"

"You both almost got killed"

A lady and a boy pulled Cale and Dan-I out from under the truck.

"You idiots, what were you thinking? Why did you throw yourselves on the road? Did you do that to ruin someone's life? *Ptooey*"

Dan-I opened her mouth to speak but no voice came out of her mouth. She was trembling all over.

Seeing her bad state Cale pushed her behind him and bowed a little. 

"I'm sorry sir. We didn't do it intentionally, it was someone else who pushed us. If you don't believe you can ask others."

Cale said.

"That's right, form what I saw it was someone else who pushed them."

"I saw it too. A boy pushed that girl and the red haired guy jumped to protect her."

Seeing that Cale was telling the truth the truck driver just scolded them a little and told them to be careful.

Cale thanked him and turned towards Dan-I. Fortunately she only has little scratches.

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