Marc noticed Khaotung after his name was called, judging by the half-annoyed way Khaotung spoke it was clear that it was First who contacted him this time.

"No, i wan't."

"Why?" Marc asked, curious too.

Khaotung then explained that First insisted on making a video call. Marc also told Khaotung to obey First's wishes, he felt that the boy would continue to disturb them if he did not obey.
Khaotung furiously pressed the video call button and immediately showed Marc to First.

'How neat are you, do you think you guys are dating?'

Marc shrugged his shoulders. "If you want to call it that I don't mind."

'Asshole,' First swore with a laugh.

'Hey, Khao. Just show me your face.'

First was seen lying down in one of his brother's rooms. Then Khaotung asked about Manaw and First mentioned that his little cousin was in an extra class.

"Are you crazy? Why did you take Monday off?"

"Why, is there an impromptu test?

"No, just shameless."

Marc enjoyed Khaotung's chat with First.
He liked how Khaotung did not hide himself from anyone about his attitude.
Even though Marc was another person, he was the only one who saw Khaotung as adorable unlike Pawin who immediately called Khaotung a bad person.
Maybe because he was blinded by love at first sight? But even after he got to know Khaotung longer, he did not see anything bad in the sharp-tongued boy.

"When are you coming back?"

"I was going to stay here for four days, but I'm going home tomorrow too.


'Why? What right do you have to ask, it's up to me'

Khaotung then switched off First's phone, too annoyed that First was always trying to keep up with him.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Oh, sorry." Marc immediately dropped his smug smile. "You guys seem really close, how long have you been friends?"

"It seems like before God made us in our mother's belly," Khaotung replied with a sigh, as if to show that he was already very fed up with the First.

"Don't you think you'll fall in love with him?"

Khaotung raised his head, looking at Marc with a sardonic gaze. "That might happen to some pairs of friends in this world but not to me. Hell, as unfaithful as I am First wouldn't be my last choice."

Marc smiled again and nodded. Good, he still had a chance to make room in Khaotung's narrow heart.
Pawin had just gotten to school, then on the way his teacher called him and told him  go to the teacher's room.
Apparently Louis was also in the room, the two greeted each other happily because Pawin was very nervous to enter the teacher's room like this.

"You guys are in the same class, right? Khaotung recommended Louis for the physics competition and the teacher also wants to recommend Pawin. "Pawin, do you want to?"

Pawin looked surprised then turned to the  teacher as well as Louis. He really wanted to do it too, apart from being able to add to his appeal in this school if he managed to advance as a school representative it would also make his parents proud, but on the other hand he also couldn't fight with Louis.

"I-I don't know, Lui..."

"Let's just do it, I'm fine if you're the chosen one."

Louis smiled, persuading Pawin to come with him to do the Physics test because Louis also knew Pawin was quite good at it.

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