chapter 7

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I sighed and took the dress,niki looked at me and laughed alot,i rolled my eyes as he waves at me,signing hes
Heading home,i waved back and headed home aswell..god why did i agree to this??im gonna embarass myself i thought to myself,i sighed
And went home,i saw some staff
And waved back,i asked my maid
When will my parents get home and they said they went to a other city for a day and they would return tomorrow,i sighed and nodded,they
Would always forget to tell me about these types of things.. i wonder,do
They even care for me? I teared up
While heading upstairs to my room
I took a quick bath and got on my bed,
I mean its still early and jays party
Will be held later,i have time to nap
I thought as i stared into the wall,
Slowly falling asleep.

(the dress is B. Since it had majority
If you dont know what i mean check "fans choice")
I woke up to see that its 6;30,jays party
Starts at 7:50 so i got up and took a bath,i went into the bathroom even if i already took a bath,i went into my closet,trying to find one of those padding,my chests can be easily seen in those,i templated,i found one and wore them,i wore the dress and looked at the mirror,goddamn...i bit
My lip and looked at myself,i look hot
Ashell.. i thought as i went back to get a fur coat and probably some earrings,shades, and yeah,i didnt know what shoes to use since i dont
Own any female shoes.. i went
Out to find my maid,she saw me and
Gasped "jake why are you wearing that?!" She looked confused,"well..
I got a dare,and perhaps do you have any heels?? Or something." I asked
As she giggled "of course," she handed me pearly heels,i took them as she
Adviced me to wear cyclings for
Coverage,i nodded as i did what she
Adviced me to do.

It was time,i took my phone
And went down to my driver,
He also gasped seeing my outfit,i
Explained again as he nodded,"soo
Where you headed anyway?" He asked "at *********" he nodded and
Drove,i fixed my outfit and its
Actually so revealing...

I got there and i liked jays mansion,
It looked pretty,i went inside as i
Opened the door,the smell of
Yummy cake,flashing party lights,
And my friends,GASPING some are
GENUINELY SHOCKED,some DROPPED THEIR JAWS seeing me in that,niki approached me and laughed
Like he was dying,i rolled my eyes
As the others approached,"damn jake
U hot as hell,be mine bro" sunghoon
Jokes around as wonyoung slaps him playfully he hugs her as i giggled as jungwon was staring at me,"your so slay rn but did you wear this on purpose?" He asked,i nodded in dis agreement and looked at niki,he nodded as he understood,that night was filled with compliments,except someone was missing,it was heeseung,"oh hey wonyoung where is hee?" I asked her," hes late since he
Had to do something" she explained
I nodded and excused my self to go to the front,i wanted fresh air,the room
Was filled with weird air,i opened the door and almost stumbled since i was
Wearing heels,i saw that heeseung was there,i hid behind the wall and
Saw he wasnt alone..he was holding hands with a girl..

(Sorry its short!ill update it again later
Also alot of grammar mistakes im sorry i dont double read Lol)

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