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Timeskip to a day before wedding

Iseul's pov- tomorrow is mom's wedding so mom is with mr.choi. me and the girls are packing all the stuff from my old house because we are moving into mr.choi's house after the wedding

I was packing up my room when I stumbled upon my dad old guitar

Iseul-*sighs* i wish you and mom were still together

???- I know you miss him seulie

I heard a voice behind me

Iseul- oh- kkura unnie!

Sakura unnie came and sat next to me

Iseul- I only approved of this marriage because it will make my mom happy. I don't think I can accept mr.choi as my dad anytime soon

Sakura- I know it's hard but you will get through it

Iseul- I hope

Saying that I went back to packing

Timeskip evening

I was so tired from packing I just slept before eating dinner

Mr.jang- seulie!! I'm home!

Mr.jang- seu-oh( mom came into my room and saw me sleeping) she must be tired

Saying that she left the room

Timeskip next day

Iseul's pov- I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I checked my phone and it was 5:00am

Iseul- I better get ready we have a *long* day ahead of us * sighs*

I got up and went to get ready



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