"I wanna go back there, I don't want anywhere else." Callen blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. "I don't wanna go to any other placements."

Lennox looked at Parkins, they had been trying for months with therapists to get him to open up.


"I don't care, you don't care about me. All you care about is me turning up to school and getting marks in your books. You won't teach me the stuff I learned before..."

Parkins looked up surprised, "What stuff Callen?" he asked.

Callen shook his head and grabbed the cigarettes from the table in front of his social worker and ran out the door. The others looked concerned and Lennox touched an intercom unit to alert security.

"It's alright Sir, I can see the boy, he's sitting on a low wall, smoking in the parking lot. I'll keep an eye on him sir," the guard replied.

They went back to their meeting and an hour later Parkins came out and walked over to where Callen was sitting on the wall.

"You all done deciding my fate?" Callen snapped, not looking at the man.

"Yep." Parkins smirked at the boy.

Callen took a large drag on his cigarette and blew the smoke deliberately into Parkins' face, "Well?" He asked.

Parkins coughed but ignored him.

"We are putting you into a foster placement."

"WHAT NO!" Callen jumped up but Parkins grabbed his arm.

"It is a single parent home, Sara Martin, she has two sons, Jake and Pete, both near your age. You need to learn to behave."

Callen glared at him.

"I won't go," he snapped.

A car pulled up and he watched as a woman and two boys got out. Callen forgot what he was saying as he clapped eyes on the oldest boy. Actually helooked more like a man. He was, in Callen's eyes a hunk! Callen blushed as the boys looked at him and smiled.

"Mr. Parkins?" The woman said, "I'm sorry I'm late, we got stuck in traffic. I've been picking stuff up for Jake's trip."

Parkins stood up and walked over to greet her, "Sara Martin, nice to see you again, this is Callen," he said nodding towards the boy.

Sara turned to her boys, "Jake, Pete come here and meet Callen. He's the boy I was telling you about and he's going to stay with us for a while."

Callen's jaw nearly dropped as the kid he had been looking at...well drooling over would be more accurate, turned and smiled at him. His deep brown eyes looking straight into his soul. Feelings he hadn't felt for a long time reawakened and he realized with embarrassment that his pants were growing tighter. He pulled off his jacket and sat back on the low wall as if not interested. Pete, the brown eyed boy in question, smiled and looked him up and down.

Callen felt guilty feeling this way for someone else other than his master, but in the three years since he had been taken from the McPherson's he hadn't had anything more than a kiss or a half assed (in his opinion) fumble with other boys who had no idea what he needed from them. What he needed was a new master. After all, in his own way, Callen still cared for his 'master' and didn't want to be 'loved' by another. Callen grabbed his bag and after Ms. Martin had signed the appropriate paperwork he went home with them.

This foster mother was a busy but kind person and Callen fitted in right away. She had two older sons who were just a few years Callen's senior. Pete and Jake Martin were both sporty kids loving the outdoor life and were pleased to meet Callen.

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