Starlit Eyes (BF Scenarios)

Start from the beginning

A few hushed whispers and laughs come from a few of them before they die down quickly, daring to make a few retorts under their breaths but not daring enough to disobey their teacher and his assistant.

Minutes pass as you and Aizawa chat and laugh together, leaving the students to finish up their work for the rest of the class. The bell eventually rings and the young heroes quickly pack up their things and file out of the classroom, a few more rushed than the others to get out and go home.

As the remaining students bid their goodbyes, the air in the room feels a lot more intimate and warm than the usual bubbly and lighthearted vibe. Aizawa pushes himself off from his desk and takes a step forward towards you. This time he raises his head, seemingly making sure the last of the students were out of the classroom. As he steps closer, his dull eyes shine with vulnerability, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"You know, not only the students benefit from your presence here. Working alongside you like this has impacted me quite a bit, (Y/N). I just thought you should know that."

You glance at him once, then twice, and the third time is when you finally manage to look at him, the slight blush on your face earning a larger smile from the teacher. The weight of his words weigh heavily on you, but in a nice way, like you were under a thick warm blanket on a cold winter night. A new territory was slowly being tread on, one that he was beginning to hope you would walk on with him.

Seeing your blushing face sparks something within him; it makes his heart flutter and his mind race. What was this? He began to sweat a little, his hands becoming clammy and words feeling like rocks in the depths of his throat. When you thank him, he's at a loss for words.

Raising a curious yet concerned eyebrow, you wave a hand in front of his face.

"Shota?" You call. "Shota, hello? Shota?"

Your voice calling him reaches his ears but it takes him a long second to snap out of his daze, hands still clammy and words eluding him.

"S-Sorry," his voice betrays his flustered state, "I just got lost in thought. I apologise profusely." He sputters, bowing his head slightly as an act of apology.

Your brows furrow in a mix of concern and understanding and you give him a gentle pat on the arm. "If there's something bothering you, Shota, I'm here to listen."

"I appreciate you willing to lend an ear, but I don't think I'm ready to talk about it. Maybe soon. How about you and I go out for a walk? I can clear my head and tell you all about it. How does that sound?"

You beam up at him and nod your head approvingly, "that sounds great. I'll get my things." Stepping past him, you reach under his desk and bring out your bag. You shove your notes and phone inside, along with your water bottle, before sending another nod his way. "I'm ready to go. Come on."

His lips curve into a grateful, fond smile. Aizawa opens the door to the classroom and beckons you outside, "after you."

"What a gentleman." You tease, earning a snicker from the teacher.

Together, the two of you walk side by side into the fresh air outside, happy to be out of the congested space of the classroom. Aizawa takes a deep breath and sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets as he usually does. His stoic demeanour returns, but you notice he's in deep thought. You were about to ask, but when he shoots you a glance, you quickly decide against it. He will tell you when he feels ready to.

The cool breeze of the outside world hits your faces, rejuvenating the two of you. It was only now that you realise just how long you were inside the classroom after the final bell rang, as the sun had slowly begun its descent. Each step that was taken had made the air feel more comfortable, which allowed the two of you to reflect on your own thoughts. Yours was full of concern for Aizawa while he was full of many mixed emotions.

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