The screen read Clinton with a skull and bow emoji beside it, which Natasha doesn't remember adding. Clint, her best friend, her former agent, is a man who's constantly a major pain in her ass.

She sighed, swiping right to answer, as Scarlett raced out. Most likely going to the living room, to watch Bluey. She doesn't know how lucky she is, Natasha thought, as she pressed the speaker button. Before she could ever mutter a hello, a voice shot through, "Guess who booked you the best deal in this nation."

His voice was too chipper for eight, or whatever time, in the morning. Natasha sat down her phone against her marble counter, as she applied the paste onto her toothbrush, "you want me to say you, don't you?"

He ignores her attitude, and says, "So Tony Stark called..." She nodded, as she began brushing her teeth.

Tony Stark, a legend in the film industry, the man who could do anything, as US Weekly would say. And they're not wrong, the man makes fantastic movies. Oppenheimer is one of her favorites. She was surprised when she found out the man had directed and produced the film. It's crazy he did all of that while acting in it.

"He's offering you the role of Julia Rosé in his new movie, Against Society," He told her, Natasha remembers hearing something about that. If she remembers it correctly this was going to be his first LGBTQ movie. Natasha hummed, before leaning down, and spitting into the sink, "I think I'm gonna pass on this one."

The faint gasp, she catches from the other line, almost causes her to roll her eyes. "Why? This could be your big break.  Your Natalia Romanoff welcome back to the gay club movie."

She grimaced, Natalia Romanoff.

A name, she used at the blossom of her career, and also her former maiden name. This makes her roll her eyes, "I haven't been Natalia in years, Barton."

"I know but, Natasha, this is your comeback," Clint said, her brows furrowed.

Natasha frowned, "I don't remember asking for a comeback."

She heard a blow of breath against the phone, as he sighed,  "Natasha, it's been years. The crowds miss you, and I know you miss the crowds."

Missed it?

Missing it wasn't even close to what she felt. She yearned to be back on stage. Acting was her passion, her dream.

A dream, she had to bring to a pause as Scarlett got older. Natasha personally never liked the idea of nannies or making her parents take care of Scarlett while she was working.

So after she made her mark on the industry, she slowly stopped joining movies and interviews and practically disappeared. She shook her head, "I don't know, Clint..."

"Just think about it!" He exclaimed, interrupting her, "That's all I'm asking."

She took a breath, "I'll think about it," Natasha said, just to get him off back, at least that's what she told herself.

She could practically hear his smile, "Thank you, you won't regret it."

She rolled her eyes, "get off my phone."

She hears the sound of his laughter echoing through the speakers before the line goes dead. She looked up in the mirror, her fingertips gripping the edge of the counter.

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