Gimyeong slapped the betas head, "Do not even think about that. Unless you want a bloody battle" 

"He's right. I don't want any of you dying now" Hyung Suk smiled nervously.

"I think by the end of it, the only blood shed will be the Yakuza's" Joon Goo smirked as he fixed his glasses. 

"Heh, I think the only person needed there would be me" Jihoon smirked, showing off his fang. 

Hyung Suk and Gimyeong looked at each other. 

"All of you are idiots. There's a reason why this is happening. The only thing yall are doing is making Hyung Suk worry" Soo Jung glared at them.

Luah and the others looked off to the side while Jihoon rolled his eyes.

 Hyung Suk could smell all the unpleasant pheromones, "Well, how about that trip that we were talking about" he smiled, trying to lighten up the mood. 

Luah and the others stared at the omega in awe. How could someone be so beautiful? Inside and out. 

"Sounds good to me" Kyung Heon smirked. 

"As long as the foods good" Kun Woo spoke up. 

Luah looked at him up and down, "Of course your fat ass is thinking about food."

Kun Woo looked at her offended while the others chuckled at her comment. 

"This is muscle not fat, you bitch" 

"Let's not fight now. I'm sure everyone will be satisfied…" Hyung Suk tried to calm the two betas down. 

Although it was faint he could still smell their soury scent. 

"I heard Japan has a lot of stray cats. Can we adopt them?" Ji Tae looked at Gimyeong. 

"Uhh, maybe. Just one…" he looked at Hyung Suk for help. 

"I heard there was an island filled with cats! But I don't think you'll be able to adopt all of them…" Hyung Suk looked down to the floor. 

Ji Tae looked a little disappointed but knowing that he'd be able to see all of those cats made him happy. 

"Come on, who wants to see cats? I want to go to the clubs~" Joon Goo elbowed Jihoon who looked at him with disgust. 

"Okay, I think it's time we let him go guys. He has to be in Japan in 3 hours" Soo Jung reminded them all. 

This made the Luah and the others groan. They hated the fact that Hyung Suk was leaving all of them. 

"Exactly, you said 3 hours. We can stay talking a little more" Joon Goo whined like a little kid. 

"She's right, guys. My mom's probably going to come from me any second now. " 

They groaned again and he smiled sadly at them. He hated the fact that he was leaving his friends who he's known for his whole life. 

"Fine, but you better not be lying about that trip with all of us!" Joon Goo pointed at him and he huffed. 

"I know, I know. We all have to be free though" Hyung Suk reminded them. 

"I'll always be free for you" Jihoon smirked like an idiot but Soo Jung elbowed him harshly. 

"Hyung Suk!"

He turned around to see his mom, dad, and uncle walking up to them. 

It's time…

He frowned, knowing he would be leaving his home. He knows he could visit and blah blah. But just like Soo Jung said. It wouldn't be the same. 

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