(20 minutes pass by, they finish and leave)

As Tom drives us back to his place, excitement fills my body. Not only will I see his house, I'll see his amazing collection of hats and guitars. He's been collecting a long time. We arrive at their house. He gets out of the car, coming to the other side to help me out. He opens the door, holding out his hand for me to grab. I do, and he pulls me out carefully. We walk hand in hand to his door, where Bill greets us.

"Hi Maria! Nice to see you again!"
For some reason, I don't remember finding Bill this attractive. But I do, his lion hair is flat, and his makeup is wore off and dark. His lips are wet, like with saliva or gloss. His eyes are low and siren like, as if tired. I feel my heart race as he speaks. No way I'm falling into love with Tom's brother too. I'm a real slut. He pulls me into a quick hug, before Tom takes me to their basement.

He leads me around the corner, into a room with dark red walls. Hats hanging on every wall, covering it all. "This is only my hats, my guitars are more."
He lets me look around and pick up a few I found interesting. He didn't mind surprisingly. He leads us back out, back around the corner and past the stairs to the left into a room with plum walls.

Guitars on hooks for what seemed like forever. Every wall once again was covered. My jaw drops.
"This is all so amazing Tom. I didn't know you had so many of each."
He smiles proudly, almost breaking his hiarchy character.
"I love them alot. I find passion in these specifically."
He holds his iconic white guitar that he humps at every concert.

"Isn't the one you hump?"
He laughs.
"Yup it sure is. Fans love it."
I laugh, covering my mouth as I do too, saying as I'm a huge fan. He pulls my hand away instantly.
"Don't cover your smile. It's pretty."
I put my hand down, almost fainting in disbelief.
"Oh, thank you Tom."

It was unexpected for sure.
"Lets go to my room."
He takes my hand, leading me up the basement stairs. He stops, talking to Bill as I stand to his side akwardly. I lose focus, getting lost in thought. When I focus back in, Bill says something that catches me off guard. "Hopefully you're quiet then huh?"
He says, laughing with Tom. I listen more to their conversation.

"We'll see."
Tom jokes. Suddenly the conversation ends and Tom's taking me upstairs to his room. I sit down on his bed, watching him as he closes the door behind him. I analyze the room, his closet is to the left if you sit on the foot of his bed. His bathroom is on the right wall, he has two nightstands. He has a dresser with his most worn hats on it, the dresser is black.

Finally his bed, the covers are black and soft. His sheets are a deep red and his pillows are black too. He has no clothes on the floor and his room smells like cologne, alcohol, and cigarettes. Typical for him. He is actually very neat, his hats are arranged in a perfect manner. His tables are cleaned off with only little essentials on them such as chapstick.

He stands in front of me, breaking my hard focus on my surroundings.
"You know Maria, I've always thought you were beautiful. I don't just want to fuck you, but it's on my list."
He jokes, I laugh as it was kind of funny. He sits down next to me.
"I think you should find another job because the one you have is dangerous. You could be hurt."
I was so confused, Ton Kaulitz cares about this stuff?

He watches us all the time, well, me.
"I need the money, that's my problem."
I admit shamelessly. He frowns, a caring look in his eyes.
"I can cover it for you, why don't you live with us? I mean I know we just met but you are different and I don't need you hurt."
I now realize why he asked me for a date, it wasn't to use me tonight as another one-night-stand, it was to help me. He has the best heart.

They may look intimidating or mean but they're caring, him and Bill both. And maybe hook up too but that's not the point.
"That sounds amazing but I don't know. I'm afraid."
He gives me a confused look, leaning closer.
"Why are you afraid?"
I think about it, why am I scared? I don't even know this.

"I don't know, maybe it isn't such a bad idea afterall." His face lightens up.
"I think it's a good idea but it's up to you."
He's genuine, not forcing, not rude, genuine. He's everything I'd need in a boy.
"Maybe we get off that topic for now, and do what this was really made for."
He smirks.

"Afterall the night is still young. Its only 9:30."
The one thing I've noticed about Tom is that he's very flirty and suggestive but he never does things without me consenting to it. He respects my boundries, it's the best to be honest. You notice the differences when you work at a strip club like me.

"I'm all for whatever you have planned. Infact I had some in mind too."
I say, adding to his thoughts on sinful activities. He moves as close as he can get, making our legs touch. He pulls me onto him, my leg over his. He places one hand on my hip, and one on my jaw.

Smut warning !!

He leans his face in towards mine, I feel his warm breath on my face. His eyes travel from my eyes to my nose, down to my lips. He hesitates before giving in, and closing his eyes. I close mine too, feeling a sudden rush when his lips connect to mine. His piercing is cold, but his lips are warm making a perfect mixture of excitement.

His hands tighten their grip on my body as his kiss gets messier and more passionate for sexual activity. He pulls away, looking me deep in the eyes. His eyes are low, and relaxed. For being in the state of emotions he's in, he looks fairly relaxed. He speaks to me softly.
"You're a good kisser, who knew?"
He smirks as he pulls us back together.

I feel his smirk as our lips press together, but our eyes are closed. He goes back to kissing me, our tounges intertwining as we let the passion show through actions. We go like this for a few minutes before he pulls away, speaking in a seductive tone.
"I want you."
He says, my eyes widen. We've been at this for maybe 10 minutes and he already wants in. I don't mind, everybody wants a piece of Tom.
"You have me."

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