The hiccups

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Percy's pov.

I moaned, but it came out as a growl, my skin felt weird and I tried to stand up but tumbled into the forest floor

"Mrugh-" I stopped and closed my mouth and opened it again


Sharp teeth?


I looked down and saw my body 'holy hades!' I thought but couldn't say , it came out as a roar

'Oh my god! I'm a, I'm a DRAGON!' I freaked and jumped up
My white wings flapped rapidly and I slammed back I to the floor, ok ok

I sat there for a hour and looked at myself

Try to walk on your... feet?
I walked on all fours for a moment before trotting in a circle an laughing
"This is awesome" I said but it came out as another roar

'But I should probably look for the team... oh wait, they aren't here, well I should look for something' I thought and started walking slowly

Ugh, stupid multiple legs walking, how does blackjack do this?
I heard water and my pulled my head up and narrowed my ears

I ran over and started drinking water, but heard voices behind me
"You saw a light? don't be stupid" a boy said
"Shut up, I know what I saw pea brain" I panicked and started to run

I came to a cliff and almost fell off "oh just my luck!" I yelled and roared back and I echoed around me

"There!" I turned an saw two twins, the stopped cold and looked at me in awe "woooh, that looks like a light fury" the girl said and took a step forward

I stood up and pearled down at them "light furies aren't real maybe it's just a...hiccup said that he's never seen one before..." he trailed off and I tilted my head and shifted my wings,
"He looks real, and he's mine" she girl snapped and I was confused "no way ,ruffnut!" The boy said

"Hers? no way" I pulled out my wings and thought of all The tips blackjack told me about flying .and then the time I had to fly with wings

I dove off the cliff and they yelled in alarm "you scared him away!" one yelled and I flew up and bolted away

I was scared of my uncles domain but... this was amazing!
I flew I've the clouds and purred
"Did I just purr!" I roared as loud as I could

My stomach growled and I flew down to a creak, well if I'm going to be stuck like this I might as well take are of myself while the team figures out how to find me

I landed on the side and sat down by it and waited, a fish flew by and I snatched it from the water, I was about to eat it but heard a branch snap behind me and turned around

I saw a man and he lifted up a large wooden tube , a net shot out and tangled around me and I fell back and roared

"Hah! he's mine!" the man yelled and five other men ran out and pulled down my arms and legs , I thrashed and roared in rage, "stupid thing" one man said an my vision blurred red

Green fire shot from my mouth and exploded around the men
I tried to stand but they surrounded me and pulled me down again
"Hey!" I heard a voice from above and saw a black dragon zip down

It blew fire at the men and they scattered away and ran into The woods " and don't come back!"

I struggled out if the rope and pulled y wing out, I loomed over the boy and his dragon. And he gasped and looked up at me

"No. way" he flipped up his mask an reached his hand out, I snarled at him and his black dragon snarled back at me
'Back off!' I snapped and the dragon stopped snarling when The guy patted his head

"It's ok, I'm hiccup, this is my dragon toothless" he said and pointed to the black dragon, we looked the same but my scales were white
And my eyes were green with a hint of blue

"It's alright, I won't hurt you" he reached his had out again and I backed Away
Can I trust anyone in this world?
Will the team even know who I am?
Or where I am?

Or what?

He looked me in the eyes and hesitated "are... you lost? or hurt, I can help you buddy, come on" he said eagerly and reached out to me

Well I could trust him and go with him, or sleep outside where those men can catch me again
First choice

I took a step forward and he patted my nose and a huge smile pulled on his face "astrid will be so surprised" toothless snorted

"What? she will, an the village will be amaze by you, a light fury!, what do you think toothless? buddy?" he patted my head and reached back to my neck

I tensed but then he scratched one part of my neck and I purred 'what the hades! I don't purr!' he laughed and walked closer to my head

My eyes snapped to him an I backed away and his smile fell a little "you don't trust me that fast huh?" he said with a ghost of a smile

I noticed something about him
His leg
It was a peg leg or something...
But it was fake
He saw me looking t it and he lifted it up "battle scars huh, it's fake" he said and I tilted my head and stepped forward

Why am I acting like this?
Because I'm a dragon and I need to wait for the team, if Im going to be with this guy I need to be what he thinks I am

"You can follow us back home" he claimed and jumped up on toothless
"If you can keep up" he added and toothless huffed and rolled his eyes, his tail flicked up and smacked hiccup on his head

"Lets see if you can fly he said and toothless took of into the sky
I ran forward and leaped up, my wings flapped and my tail opened up for support

I finally figured out what I was doing and flew faster and zoomed past hiccup and toothless
Toothless narrowed his eyes as I flew over him and hiccup smiled and laughed

We flew around and toothless and me played a game of tag, we even started to steal fish from each other , I liked toothless

"Percy!" I heard my name and stopped flying , I looked down at the sea and my eyes looked it over
"What's that?" hiccup muttered from next to me

"Percy, where are you! are you there?" I flew down as soon as I heard the voice and hiccup followed
I landed on a rock and toothless landed on one a few feet away from me

I roared loudly and sat silently "percy!" I heard a Echo and flew forward over the water
"No wait! its a trap!" hiccup yelled and toothless tucked his ears down


I looked at the distance and saw annabeth, she looked fuzzy, her armor was darker and I almost flew forward but suddenly three dragons leaped from the water, I saw men on them and I flew forward

One threw a harpoon and it hit my torso an I roared in pain "no!" hiccup urged toothless down and he grabbed my back an flew up

"Go! go!" hiccup yelled
My vision went blurry and all I heard was hiccup trying. To get me to stay awake

I closed my eyes because I new it wasn't real
This is just a dream
When I wake up ill be at the tower
Tony will be segueing with Steve
Clint and Thor will be arm wrestling
Natasha a Bruce will be talking and ill be calling annabeth to see if she's ok

This is a dream

I'm not a dragon?
Am I?

Demigod dragon (how to train your dragon/percy Jackson/ a little avengersWhere stories live. Discover now