Chapter six

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The rumor that I broke Lindsay's nose because she just looked at me spread around school like a plague. For the rest of the day, wherever I went, other students gave me glares. Some, including Tina and the rest of the gang of bullies, spoke crap about me whenever I was near them.

''I knew he's capable of doing something like that'', she spoke to anyone who was willing to listen. ''I mean, look at him!''

''People like him bring guns to school and kill people'', her friend said.

''I hope he'll get kicked out. I'm scared for my life!'' another girl said, with her hand over her heart.

I looked at her and Tina giggled: ''Oh-oh! I think he heard us. We're doomed!''

People stepped out of my way as soon as they saw me walking in their direction. As though I was about to kill them. When I entered a Biology classroom, I heard someone saying: ''Here comes the murderer!'' Wow, I broke a bitch's nose and now I was a murderer. What a fucking logic.

Scott swore he'll beat my ass one day. I wondered will I then have right to defend myself.

I was sacred of coming home, knowing what to expect. And I wasn't wrong. Flo and Frank were waiting for me in the kitchen.

''The principal told us what you had done!'' Flo had such a horrified expression on her face, as though I had committed a genocide.

''What had I done''' I asked angrily. ''I finally snapped and gave a bitch what she was fucking asking for!''

''You should be sorry!'' Frank shouted at me.

''I am sorry'', I replied angrily, ''that I was born!''

''The principal said you will be suspended for the whole next week'', Flo said. ''And when you come back to school, you will go to talk to the school counselor, for your anger problem. There's a parent meeting tomorrow. I will personally apologize to the poor girl's parents.''

''No!'' I said quickly. ''If anyone should apologize, it should have been them for making a monster and not teaching it not to terrorize others!''

''Andy!'' Flo gasped, holding her head.

''How can't you understand that what you did is wrong?''

''It is never acceptable to hit someone'', Flo stated.

''Especially a girl'', Frank added.

''Bit it is acceptable to torture someone just because he's different, isn't it?'' Angry tears were falling down my face. I didn't bother to hold them back or wipe them.

''No matter what someone says or do to you, you can never hit someone'', Flo said firmly.

They continued yelling at me like that for some time, until finally, I've had it. I got up so hastily that I rolled over my chair.

''Where do you think you're going, young man?'' Frank shouted when I began walking to my room.

''That's right!'' Floo agreed. ''We're your parents; you have to listen to us!''

I stopped a half way to the stairs and turned around to face them. ''My parents'', I spoke, my voice somehow quiet and shaking, ''are lying somewhere dead, surrounded by the thousands of needles and pills. And I hope I'll soon join them in a fucking Hell! So, fuckyou! Fuck you and everybody else!''

And I stormed off to my room. I slammed the doors so hard that the clothes that's been hanging on its hooks fell down. I didn't bother to pick it up, instead I looked the door and pulled out my notebook. I began writing, but the tears blurred my vision, so my handwriting was slanted.

Alone against the whole wide world.

Even my own shadow is against me;

It is yelling at me, telling me to die,

For there is no place for me in this world.

I've been treated lower than a human being,

Lower than an animal, lower than dirt.

I've been spat at, I've been mocked,

I've been laughed at.

Is there any soul that sympathizes with me?

Am I really doomed to be alone for

the rest of my miserable life?

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