Chapter One: Anticipation

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After a fulfilling and exhilarating club meeting, Sawyer decided to walk home instead of taking the usual bus. The gentle breeze brushed against his face as he strolled through the familiar streets, his thoughts consumed by the exciting possibilities that lay ahead.

Finally, as he reached his house and entered the living room, his mother looked up from her book and flashed him a warm smile. "Hey, Sawyer, what's got you grinning like a Cheshire cat? You look absolutely thrilled!"

Sawyer plopped down on the couch beside his mother, unable to contain his excitement. "Mom, you won't believe it! The club meeting was freaking awesome! We've got this incredible bunch of students, and guess what? I met this super cool girl named Ashlyne."

His mother's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in, eager for more details. "Spill the tea, Sawyer. What's so special about this Ashlyne? Is that what you kids say these days?"

Grinning from ear to ear, Sawyer shared his encounter with Ashlyne, gushing about her smarts and their shared passion for law. "Mom, it's like we're totally in sync. We hit it off instantly, and it feels like we've known each other forever. I can't wait to see her again."

His mother's face beamed with pride as she listened to her son's lively recollection. "Sawyer, my dear, I'm so happy for you! It's amazing to see you finding your groove and going after your dreams. I know you and Ashlyne will do incredible things together."

Feeling pumped by his mother's support, Sawyer gave her a tight hug. "Thanks, Mom! Your faith in me means the world."

Reluctantly letting go, Sawyer headed to his room, practically bouncing with excitement. Once he stepped into his personal haven, he couldn't help but imagine the possibilities ahead. The Criminal Justice Club had sparked a fire in his belly, and having Ashlyne there only added more fuel to the flame.

With newfound determination, Sawyer plopped down at his desk, ready to dive into research and prep for future club meets. He knew that with Ashlyne's skills and their shared passion, they'd be an unstoppable duo.

As he cracked open his laptop and began scouring criminal justice resources, Sawyer's mind drifted into dreamland. He pictured himself and Ashlyne crusading for justice, fighting for causes they gave a damn about, and making a real impact on peoples' lives.

Grinning from ear to ear, Sawyer's excitement bubbled up. The possibilities were off the charts, and he was dead set on seizing this partnership. With Ashlyne as his partner-in-crime (pun intended), Sawyer was confident that they could crush it and make a lasting impact in the world of criminal justice.

As Sawyer dedicated himself to his research, his phone buzzed, indicating an incoming message. Excitement surged within him as he picked up his phone and saw that it was a text from his friend, Dolores Vasquez.

Sawyer and Dolores met in their freshman year in forensics class, where their shared passion for the subject sparked an instant connection. They would frequently meet up after class to discuss crime scene analysis and complex cases. Over the summer, their friendship deepened as they continued their enthusiastic discussions, sharing articles and documentaries, and watching true crime.

Dolores: Hey, Sawyer! How's it going? Are you ready for the first day of school tomorrow?

Sawyer: Hey, Dolores! It's going great, thanks! I'm definitely ready for the first day. Can't wait to dive into the new semester. How about you?

Dolores: I'm excited too! Fingers crossed we get some classes together. It would be great to study with you again.

Sawyer: Definitely, that would be awesome!

Dolores: By the way, how did the club meeting go? I couldn't make it today, because I was preparing for the next phlebotomy course. Mr. White gave us an entire textbook to study, but I kept procrastinating.

Sawyer: The club meeting went great! We discussed upcoming events and competitions. I'll fill you in on all the details tomorrow. You were missed, though! Also, yikes! That sounds super intense.

Dolores: I'm not too worried about it. I'm sure I'll catch up quickly. By the way, are you still taking Ms. Josephine's bus to school?

During their freshman year, Ms. Josephine took on the role of Sawyer and Dolores' bus driver. Her unwavering positivity never failed to uplift their spirits, and she soon became a cherished grandmother-like figure in Sawyer's life.

Sawyer: Yeah, I am. I've actually missed our bus conversations, you know, the usual: forensics, cute guys, and cute guys who study forensics.

Dolores: Hey, don't forget about the cute phlebotomy guys! I'll make sure to keep you updated on any interesting prospects.

Sawyer: Haha, how could I forget? You'll have to give me all the juicy details about the class. Also, I can't wait to hear about your next victim.

Dolores: Thanks, Sawyer! Although, I must clarify, I hope I get the chance to practice my skills on Ellie, not stab her! Phlebotomy is all about precise techniques and safe practices, after all.

Ellie, a girl in Sawyer's grade, appeared to be kind and sweet, but beneath that façade, she revealed herself to be cold-hearted and deceitful. She initiated a rumor about poor Sawyer, falsely claiming that he frequently picked his nose. However, it's worth noting that the incident in question was simply a single harmless nose scratch.

Sawyer: Oh, my apologies! I forgot that you have a well-deserved reputation for being the most skilled phlebotomist in the class.

Dolores: Thank you, but I need to get back to my studies to keep that title.

Sawyer: Alright, no problem. Take care and I'll see you on the bus tomorrow!

Dolores: Sounds good! See you then!

Sawyer set his phone aside and shifted his attention back to his research. As he scrolled through the introductory email for the Criminal Justice Club, he noticed a new message in his inbox from Ashlyne. Curiosity piqued, he clicked on the email and began reading its contents.

Subject: Case Update

Hey, Sawyer! Remember that case I mentioned during the club meeting? Well, I've been delving deeper into it, and the more I uncover, the more gripping it becomes. The twists and turns are absolutely mind-boggling. Can we meet up tomorrow? I've gathered some articles and documents that shed more light on the case. I'm itching to share them with you. Trust me, this one is a game-changer!

Best Regards,
Ashlyne B.

Sawyer's heart raced with excitement as he read Ashlyne's message. The prospect of diving into a captivating case alongside her was a thrilling opportunity. He swiftly typed his reply, his fingers dancing across his keyboard.

Ashlyne, that sounds amazing! How about we meet at the local park early in the morning, and then we can walk together to the bus stop? We can discuss the case and catch up on the details along the way. Let's aim to meet at 7:30 a.m. I'm eager to hear all about it and dissect the details together. I can't wait!

With his response sent, Sawyer's excitement grew exponentially. The thought of meeting Ashlyne at the park, discussing the intriguing case as they walked to the bus stop, added an extra layer of anticipation. He eagerly anticipated their meeting.

As Sawyer closed his laptop, he prepared to start his nightly routine. He brushed his teeth, changed into comfortable pajamas, and eased into the quiet ambiance of his room. With each step, he felt himself winding down, ready to rejuvenate his body and mind with a restful night's sleep. Tomorrow would bring new opportunities, but for now, he embraced the tranquility of the night.

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