Chapter 27-Old Wounds Heal Slow

Start from the beginning

"Elbows directly underneath your shoulders, wrists in line with your elbows! Let's go!" Group doing planks of course.

What I would give to be out there with them. It was a good couple of months and we won gold in every competition we went to. It was great, amazing even. But of course all good things must come to an end.

A week... it's been a week since I got hurt and the doctor wants me to stay off of my foot for an extra week in addition to the week I still have just to be safe since I already got hurt. We only have a couple of months before school's over and here I am again hurt just before a big competition. Just my luck.

Lucky for me, Sue tells the group to take a 5 minute break before they rotate for water and stuff which is when i see Britt jogging over to the fence in front of the bleachers. To me.

"Hey babe, how are you holdin up." She asks sincerely.

"Oh ya know ecstatic to be on the sidelines." I sigh.

She looks down and speaks. "I know you told me not to blame myself but I feel bad."

"You shouldn't. This would've happened one way or another, I told you what the doctor said, it's a common thing." I reassure her for the nth time since it happened. She shakes her head and we just stare at each other for a minute with these lazy grins until I speak again.

"How's it going out there? Sue's not working you guys too hard is she?" I ask trying to keep the conversation away from me.

"Same as usual just boring again because you're not out there with me."

"Britt." I pout. "I'll be back soon remember, just another week."

"Yeah I know but you should be out there with me nowww." She bounces in place a little bit making me giggle.

Just then Sue calls them back. Waiting for Britt to turn and face me to say bye, I kiss her quickly and smile. Smiling back, she stands there for a second so I shoo her away.

"Go go go hurry before Sue makes you stay later or something because you took too long. I needz you to myself this afternoon."

"Really, why?" She asks.

"You'll see." I tease her. "But you won't know if you're staying after with Sue so go."

"Alright alright I'm going. I'll see you after." She smiles and runs back.

"Thought I might find you here."

I look over to my left to see a warm smile and familiar face.

"I tip my hat to you good sir." I give a nod and go back to watching the team.

"And I, you." He takes a seat next to me and watches practice run as well.

We sit in silence for a while just taking in the warm sun and movement of my teammates.

"How long has your family been here?" He asks after a while.

"Almost 9 months. We got here early August."

I answer, eyes staying focused on the people below.

"Do you ever miss being back home?"

Taking a breath in, I think for a moment.

"Sometimes." I shrug.


I nod.

"I miss my friends back there the most. And I miss all the cool spots I used to hole up in. I miss the... unique.. smell. The sights. I miss a lot of things about it."

We sit in more comfortable silence for a second, never taking our eyes off the field.

"But?" He prompts.

"I don't think I would want to go back... honestly I was so upset when I found out we were moving but now.. I don't think I'd want things to have happened any other way... well.. most things."


"You always know what I'm thinking..." I chuckle lowly, shaking my head a little.

"I don't know what happened between the two of you, and I'm not asking either.. but clearly it caused you trouble judging by the look on your face and all that."

"Let's just say she's a big reason why it's so bittersweet."

"Coming from an old friend that cares about you and wants to help.. those wounds that she left won't last forever."

He takes a pause.

"They'll scab over and turn into scars, and those scars will fade in time. You just have to be patient."

I go to speak but he continues on.

"That being said. They'll heal and fade a hell of a lot faster if you take care of them properly. Don't pick at it, wondering why it happened. Don't cover it, it's gotta breathe in order to heal, the longer you keep it hidden the longer the healing process takes. Keep it clean, remember how it actually happened, don't dirty the truth with wishes that won't come true and selectively choosing to remember the good."

He lets his words sit for a second time, then goes on.

"Finally, when that scab turns into a scar, appreciate it finally becoming less of a problem as well as the healing process that went into it. People always forget to appreciate the time and effort that goes into healing yourself."

He finally finishes speaking and damn..

I hear him shift a little and clasp his hands.

"How long has it been since things ended?"

Feeling his eyes on me, I turn to face him.

"We broke up around when you left. End of 8th grade, so it's been about nearly two years at this point."

"And you and Brittany? Yall are together right?"

I look out to the field and right on cue as if she can hear us, she turns and our eyes meet. She smiles a smile so warm with eyes so bright with excitement that I could cry on the spot from how amazing she is.

"Going great since the end of October." I melt internally.

"I know it's not my place but for what it's worth, I like her. She seems very sincere, very real. Everyone can tell she cares. You should hold onto that."

He stands, places a hand on my shoulder, gives me a friendly half smile and walks away.

Now it's just me and my thoughts...

A/N: tbh I wanted to get smtg out, this is abt half ss long ad typically but I've been gone so long but saying I'm writing that I felt like even if it's only 1.6k words long, something is better then holding out on yall until it's complete.

The next chapt will prolly be just as short since I'm breaking it in half instead of making it one.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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