Meeting Alexander Corvinus

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Shauna got out and held Nathan's hand, as he helped her out of the car and onto the dock before going onto the boat still holding his hand. She stayed close to him not sure what to make of this, she wondered who would want to see them both and why. She stood next to Nathan after they had made it to the room, where a old guy was sitting at the table waiting for them. "I can see that my men have brought you both here safely." The man had said, as he got up from his table.

Nathan didn't look to impressed, but he was curious as to why they were brought there and what for. "Why did you bring us here?" He asked him sounding a bit harsh, but he was exactly in a mood to mess around. "To talk, but I can see that your brother and his friend are not here yet. Your eyes look a lot similar to your great grandmother, but they look similar to my sons before he became something else." The man said, before watching as Nathan's eyes turned a whitish blue color. "Like I am?" Nate asked a bit frustrated.

"Nate...chill please." Shauna told her husband, before gently sitting her hand on his shoulder and looking at the man when he spoke. "No. He was bitten by a bat, which gave him wings and bat like senses. He's the reason your kind exists, but your not like him at all. Your still more human then vampire, which is how your able to survive in sunlight.
You are very special my dear boy. Both of you are, there's never been a vampire like you or a werewolf like your wife. You both are pretty special." He told them both just, as Selene and Micheal got there.

The man talked to them both about his sons and about what to do, he didn't want to kill his sons but he didn't know what would happen though.

"Nate?" Shauna asked her husband, as she sat her hand on his cheek gently which caused him to look at her. "Are you okay?" She could tell that something was bugging him and she wanted to know what it was that was bothering him.

"Yeah? ......I'm okay. Just worried about you and all of this. All I wanted was to get married and have a normal life with you, I don't want to be apart of this anymore and I know that you don't want to be either...which is why you and I are leaving." Nathan told his wife, before holding her close to him and shielding her from the glass as it broke as a body fell from the ceiling. He looked around as shots were fired, he turned to face his brother when he heard him groaning in pain.

He stood there with wide eyes and watched, as his brother was pulled out the window. Nathan looked down at his wife and cuffed her cheeks gently. "Babe look...Shauna look me.. it's gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay. Just stay here please." He told her, before looking at The old man as he saw Selene grabbing a gun. "No, no. You can't. Your no match for him alone." Alexander told her, before looking over at Nathan and Shauna. "Both of you Stay here." Selene told them both, before jumping down after Micheal and fighting Marcus.

Nathan kept his wife close to him, as he looked at Alexander. "You two should go now." He told them both, before hearing his men dying and hearing wings stop flapping. Nathan nodded his head and held his wife's hand, as they both walked over to the door but stopped when they heard something. "Marcus." Alexander said as his son walked through the door. "Hello father. Well well..if it isn't the hybrid girl and her mate. Pity that I killed your brother, but I got what I wanted. Now to get the last thing I need."

Nathan kept his wife close to him, before putting her behind him in a protective stance as his eyes stayed their whitish blue. "You cannot control William." Alexander told him, as him and his son talked about William.

Nathan kept his wife behind him, as they walked over to where Selene was down below with his brother. "Where do you think you two are going?" Marcus asked them as his wings came out partly. "Marcus leave them alone. Your fight is with me not them." Alexander told his son, which made him look at him. "Oh, but it is with them father." Marcus said, before stabbing his father with his wing then with the sword, as he went through his fathers jacket for the other piece of the pendant to free his brother William.

"You have failed." Alexander told Marcus, as he took the pedant and left him there bleeding wounded. Marcus then looked over at Nathan and Shauna, before walking over to them and striking both his wings as them. "No!" Nathan shouted, as he pushed his wife out of the way and into the water below. "Nathan!" Shauna shouted, as she saw him get pierced by the wings.

Nathan gasped and grunted in pain, as the tip of the wings pierced through his stomach and chest. "You are a pathetic excuse of a vampire." Marcus told Nathan, before pulling out the tip of the wing in his stomach and stabbing him through again.

He then scoffed and left him there bleeding, as he went off to free his brother William from imprisonment after all these years.

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