The bite. Redo

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Nathan had just gotten home from having dinner with his brother and his fiancé. He got out of his car and headed up to his front door, as he walked up to the front door he felt someone watching him but ignored it thinking it was just a shadow playing tricks on him like they do, since he has a decrement of spirits. Nate looked behind him, before pulling his keys out of his pocket and unlocking his front door. He stepped inside his home and closed the door, before taking his jacket off only to then feel something/someone knock him into a wall.

Nathan grunted as he hit a wall after feeling someone knocking him into it, he looked up to see someone with glowing blue eyes looking at him. "Get away from me you demon." He said, as he tried to kick them away from him so he could get free and get up. But they grabbed his neck and held him up against the wall, the vampire titled their head at him. "You will make a pretty good fighter for our kind. I can see now why the wolves are watching your brother, you will make a powerful vampire." The vampire said, before stinking their fangs into Nathan's neck.

Nathan didn't like hearing that people were watching his little brother, he also didn't like hearing about the vampire wanting to turn him. He gritted his teeth as the vampire bit his neck, he looked over at vanity beside looking at his vase that was sitting on it. He reached for it and grabbed it, before smashing it against back of the vampires skull. He soon grasped his neck and held it as it bled, while watching as the vampire let him go and hissed before leaving his home.

Nathan groaned as he continued to hold his neck, as he stepped over the broken glass and tried to get to his bathroom for his med kit to treat his neck. On the way to the bathroom, he started to feel lightheaded and like he was gonna pass out. He soon felt himself falling over and blacking out from the bite, as he laid there on the floor passed out his bite began to heal and the change started to happen.

Nathan eventually started to groan as he woke up and opened his eyes. He slowly rolled over and got up off the ground, he held his head as he sat up remembering what had happened. "Wait did that really happen?" He thought to himself, before looking over at the broken glass as he quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom.

He pulled open the door and nearly knocked it off, as he quickly flipped on the light and pulled back the collar of his bloodied shirt. He unbuttoned his shirt and started too freak out a bit, as he realized that he now was turning into something that he didn't want to become. "This can't be happening. This can't be happening." He thought to himself out loud, as he looked at himself in the mirror seeing his eyes change to a electric whitish color.

" He thought to himself out loud, as he looked at himself in the mirror seeing his eyes change to a electric whitish color

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"No." Nathan said, as he closed his eyes and shook his head trying to control his now anger that was starting to build up along with his hunger. "No." He said a bit louder as he clenched his jaw, before reopening his eyes and punching his mirror breaking it in to pieces as he heaved heavily. "Why me, why!" Nathan shouted loudly, before breaking his mirror again and watching as his hands bled with broken glass now in the sink and at his shoed feet.

He then shooks his head now more upset that he was now cursed to be a vampire, he walked out of the bathroom and into his room to grab a different shirt to put on. Before going back to the bathroom to clean up his hands, he got the shards of blood out and treated his hands before covering them up in bandages.

Nathan then headed to the kitchen to find food to eat

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Nathan then headed to the kitchen to find food to eat. He dug into his fridge and pulled out some leftover steak from dinner the night before and decided on whether or not to eat it, but he soon caught the smell of blood and went his eyes go electric whitish blue again as he put the steak back in the fridge and left his house. He ran extremely fast as he followed the smell, he soon spotted a deer and went after it.

He growled in a inhuman way and jumped at the deer knocking it down, before stinking his fangs into its neck to drink its blood. As he did though his hands were healing and he was starting to feel strange, but yet stronger and more alive then he'd ever felt before. He looked up once he had heard someone coming, he quickly snapped out of his state and mind and jumped behind to hide from them.

"Is that a vampire bite?" He heard a guy ask someone, before hearing someone answer the guys questions. "I believe so. It looks fresh, and like someone is new at hunting. Come on we need to get back and tell Lucian about this. He's not gonna be happy that we didn't get here before they did." Another guy said, before both of them shifted and howled to notify the rest of the pack to head back to their leader.

Nathan let out a breath that he didn't know that he had been holding, as he watched the wolves run off into the night. He looked up at the full moon, before deciding to head back home and to call it a night. He walked back inside and closed the front door, before locking it and turning off the lights as he headed upstairs to rest.

He had no idea what he was going to do now other then try to act like nothing happened, but he didn't know how he was gonna do that if he couldn't be in sunlight to preach at his church. He just knew that he had to find away to live with this, so no one knew about him being a blood sucking vampire.

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