"More about the Voorhees tale"

Start from the beginning

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The town was quite far from the summer camp, specially on foot but the teen couldn't give a bigger damn about it at that time, she was just happy she got away from her brother. Now she has to figure out something more than just getting a job because going back home is going to be a death sentence now that her parents won't be there, and judging by Isaac's outburst from yesterday the conclusion won't be good for her...

She shakes her head, no she shouldn't think about that. Right now it's best to keep her hopes up and see what Lady Luck has in store for her...

After some more walking she finally made her way towards the little town and as soon as she entered she noticed how surprised some locals were to see her around. At such odd reaction (Y/N) would reply with a tight smile and a small awkward wave as she walked through the town, looking around and studying her surroundings.

She stops at the sigh of a little bakery when she noticed that one kind old lady from yesterday inside, the teen is unsure why but she felt the need to swing by to say hello to her.

As soon as she entered the lady was quick to recognize her and would walk around the counter to greet her.

—"My oh my! Such a pleasure to see you around again, dear."— she takes your hands and give you a little squeeze whilst greeting you.

—"G-Good morning ma'am. It's a real pleasure to see you again too."— you smile at her, a bit shy by such welcoming approach.

—"It's not like I can be anywhere else. But my friend Nikita, oooh that man can be anywhere and any time. One moment I'm chatting with him and the next one he's heading to Illinois for whatever reason."— she chuckles. —"And may I know the reason of your visit?"—

—"Oh- Well uh..."— you sigh and collect yourself. —"I am currently looking for a job, any job. To gain some extra cash and stuff. I know I may not be the most experienced person but I swear I will do my best to get the job done. I... I really need it."—

The lady falls silent and nods to herself whilst thinking, after a little while she looks at the teen again.

—"Well, there's nothing available for now... However."— she looks around as if she's about to tell you a secret. —"In my bakery, there is this one employee who's always absent, and if they don't come for another couple of days I may just fire them... And since you need a job, there will be a spot already waiting for you."— she gives you a little wink.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in disbelief, she blinked while her mind kept processing the information she just received. Her shock soon was replaced with happiness and relief and she lets out a little happy squeak whilst covering her mouth with one hand.

—"Thank you so so much lady, I swear to the lord I'll do my best!"— you give her the most grateful glance your face was capable of.

—"Oh it's nothing sweetheart. I can tell you need it, and I have no doubt you'll do just great. At least more than an old lady like me can do."— she chuckles. —"And please call me Rose, no need to get all formal because it makes me feel even older."—

—"R-Right, thank you so much miss Rose."— you give her a little bow but then stiffened after realizing she doesn't know your name. —"I-I'm (Y/N) by the way, sorry I forgot the name part."—

—"It's fine dear, I see you don't often speak to people... Just like me in my young!"— she laughs again but her smile fades and gets replaced by a frown when she notices your scraped knees. —"My goodness... What happened there?"—

(Y/N) tilts her head in confusion but after realizing what miss Rose is talking about her body stiffened again.

—"I just tripped and fell, not a big deal, it doesn't even hurt!"— you try your best to reassure her.

Embraced by the Crystal Lake killer (Jason Voorhees x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now