"More about the Voorhees tale"

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A soft groan escaped (Y/N)'s lips whilst tuning into her back. The sun just began to raise but her body was already awake and refusing to go back to sleep.

She rubs her eyes and then sits up for a while to sort her thoughts about what to do today. She decides to have a quick breakfast, one of her cereal bars should do it for now since she feels kinda lazy to make something more decent.

The girl puts her street clothes back on and exits the cabin to eat outside, she's not sure why but today she really wanted to feel the freshness of the forest, probably after the nasty nightmares.

But as soon as she was out she noticed how eerily quiet it is, such silent made her a bit uncomfortable... Did something happened durning the night?

Her worries quickly flashed away when she made her way to the camp and saw some beer bottles and cans next to the logs they were sitting on last night. The teen lets out a tired sigh, well her predictions about the group making a mess were correct...

Having the feeling of responsibility the girl makes a quick trip towards the van they came in to get a plastic bag, the vehicle of corse was open since Stefan claimed himself to give a damn about 'this old piece of metal fuck'.

Ones she got what she needed she came back and began to clean up the mess, it wasn't much thankfully so she will finish in no time. However, whilst doing so she couldn't avoid but to feel an uncanny sense of being watched... But not in a normal way, whoever or whatever is looking at her is doing it in a really intense way, studding and judging every move she makes as if waiting for any tiny mistake...

This feeling seems to have to reason to happen since she's the only one awake!... Or so she though.

—"You had a lot of nerve yesterday, you little slut."—

The sudden voice of Isaac made (Y/N) literally jump like a scared cat. She turns around and stares at her brother with a clearly scared expression, but slightly relaxes when she noticed his hands were empty.

—"S-Sorry... It won't happen again."—

—"You better stick for your words..."— he grumbles but then his expression turns into a sickly sweet smile. —"Because... Well, I called mom and dad yesterday and guess what, they went on a vacation..."—

He takes a couple of steps towards her and puts his arm around her shoulders quite roughly.

—"Which means when we are back it will be just the two of us, like last year! So you better behave, understood?"—

(Y/N) nearly had a panic attack when she heard the news, the pain in her abdomen and the flashbacks of the incident returned to her at ones. With glassy eyes she managed to keep her composure and hurriedly nodded whilst avoiding her brother's gaze at all cost.

At that Isaac simply smirked.

—"Very well."— his smile fades. —"Now get out my sight you whore."—

He roughly pushes (Y/N) away, the gesture was unexpected which caused the teen to fall on her knees and slightly scrape then agains the ground, tho she payed to mind to the stinging pain and as quickly as she could she stood up and practically ran away from her brother and the camp.

This interaction didn't went unnoticed, because the same being behind the mask witnessed it all and he wasn't happy. The man didn't even noticed he was scowling underneath his mask, the cruel behavior coming from the male teen really effected the man, bringing his own nasty memories from his childhood...

Despite the anger, deep down and for the very first time he felt bad for a trespassers... He felt bad for that girl...

He wonders... No, hopes she'll comeback...

Embraced by the Crystal Lake killer (Jason Voorhees x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now