II - Grind

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I woke up before the others. Rising up from my bed, I swiftly dressed in my usual attire.

With a practiced motion, I skillfully secured my sword in its sheath, positioning it behind my back.

Despite my reluctance, the shield remained attached to my arm even while sleeping, leaving me with no choice but to sleep with it.

I glanced at the purple shield on my desk.

Should I take it?

I mean, I didn't like the idea of having two shields with me.

Guess I'll leave it.

Once the others woke up, we gathered for breakfast, fueling our excitement for what is to come.

"Good morning, everyone." I greeted with a warm smile.

"Morning, beauty." Motoyasu chimed in with a flirt.

"Good morning, Lillia." Itsuki greeted back with a warm smile.

"Morning, I guess." Ren greeted with his usual stoic expression.

Once we finished breakfast, we were called upon by the king, and we hurried to the audience chamber, which was quiet at this early hour.

As we entered the audience chamber, twelve individuals dressed in various adventurer outfits and knight-like attire stood before us. Some wielded swords, others carried different weapons, and a few appeared to be skilled mages. Bowing respectfully to the king, we listened intently to his words.

"Brave heroes," the king addressed us, "we have gathered here the greatest warriors in Melromarc. These courageous individuals will fight alongside you in your quest to repel the Waves."

In a predetermined order, our future allies approached us. With closed eyes, I hoped for the best. However, the results left me dissappointed. Ren had been assigned five companions, Motoyasu had four, Itsuki had three, and I was left without any.

Feeling a sense of injustice, I couldn't help but voice my complaint, "Isn't this unfair?!"

The king, taken aback by my protest, responded, "Hmm, I wasn't expecting such a situation to occur." A servant approached and whispered something into the king's ear, causing him to sigh. "It appears there have been disturbing rumors circulating," he continued.

Curious, Motoyasu inquired, "Did something happen?"

The king explained, "Well, rumors have spread throughout the town that the Shield Hero, Lillia, is unfamiliar with this world. According to the legends, heroes who arrive in this world must meet certain conditions. It seems that, according to these rumors, you alone haven't fulfilled these conditions."

Upon hearing the king's explanation, a wave of frustration washed over me. Rumors spreading about my supposed ignorance of this world felt like a dagger in my heart. How could they judge me based on hearsay?

Protesting against the unfair treatment, I exclaimed, "I may be new to this world, but I am willing to learn and fight for its salvation!"

The king, his expression troubled, observed me for a moment before sighing deeply. "I understand your frustration, Lillia. However, these rumors have cast doubt among the people, and we must address their concerns. We cannot ignore their voices."

Feeling a mix of anger and disappointment, I reluctantly accepted the situation. It seemed that my journey as the Shield Hero would be an uphill battle not only against the Waves but also against the prejudice and doubt of the people.

Recollecting my composure, I interjected, "If those legends are as ancient as people say, then perhaps other important aspects had died out over time."

"Perhaps..." the king agreed, contemplating the possibility.

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