"-I mean how close are you two, really? It seems like your fans have been asking about you two forever."

Tangie snaps her attention back to the late night show, seeing how Hela is laughing gently at the host's question. The audience is watching curiously. A cameraman pans the camera closer to the demon's face, his tongue in between his lips as he concentrates. Hela's hair that reaches just above her shoulders is flipped to the side, and Tangie immediately recognises that Hela is captivating the audiences again. Her face is just the right amount of smug, hidden behind layers of calm kindness and charm.

"Oh me and Eve have been close for quite some time now. We know each other from when I was hired to help the catering at her sweet sixteen."

The host smirks a little to himself and shakes his head, the camera panning over him. Tangie sighs and tries to keep up with the show. "Is that so? As far as I remember, Eve mentioned that you two met while taking acting classes together. Why do you two keep changing your story?"

The audience is at the edge of their seats. Hela smiles nonchalantly, and Tangie can't help but think that she's quite natural in front of the camera. Easy going, easy to talk to and having the ability to make the audience laugh even if she's not saying anything actually that funny. It's mostly demonic tricks being at play, for sure. But Hela is a high class demon who isn't afraid to be under the spotlight. She's a natural. Even as an angel, Tangie can admit that.

"Hmm, you've caught me red handed." She muses, captivating the camera with her easy-going, sparkling eyes and the laughter behind her teasing tone. "I like to keep my fans guessing. Which story is the right one is for them to determine. I can't say for certain if either of them are correct, either."

The audience laughs a little, and so does the host. Tangie rolls her eyes as her foot starts to tap against the floor out of stress. Clearly that's an excuse. They can't give a definitive answer because the humans would research it and find out that it's false. Tangie wonders where they really met. She can't ask, obviously, because she can't tell them that she knows what they are. But if she could, she'd love to know how long they've been working together like this. If they are dating, even.

Tangie couldn't imagine dating either of them. Or anyone, for that matter. Angel soldiers don't date. They fight and fight and fight until they eventually die. If they date, they can say goodbye to their careers. Tangie is already on the top of the food chain. She can't imagine losing her career. But she can, though, imagine dying. Because it seems like that will happen in the near future.

The host takes a deep breath and turns to the camera, smiling with that classic tired and calm look in his eye. He points his cue cards forwards and leans towards the audience. "Well you heard her folks! You've been watching the late evening show with world class actress Mary Wersal! Thank you everyone and have a good night!"

A saxophone plays in the background and the audience cheers and claps, the camera panning over to the band. Then another camera moves over to show Hela and the host as they shake hands and talk, but their conversation can't be heard past the shrieking instruments and catchy song. Tangie waits impatiently for them to be finished. The camera is now only focused on the band, and Hela waves the in-studio audience goodbye as she jumps off the set stage and walks calmly towards the dark area, where all staff are waiting for her. Tangie stands up.

The makeup artists start to fuss with Hela and the smile on her face drops immediately. She rolls her eyes, pushing them away as they desperately try to take off any jewellery and ornaments that belong to the show and not her company. Hela doesn't care about them. Instead, she gives them one last dismissive glare and they all back off, scared. She walks up to Tangie instead, who is the only one around her who isn't scared.

A Manager From Heaven (girlxgirlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now