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Note: Sorry if there is no page telling you what cats are in the Clans yet.I'm having a bit of trouble thinking of cat names and what they should look like.I've completed 1 clan so far,and I'm done 2/4 of the second clan ' s cats.I'll tell you the names of the clans at least.There is Breezeclan,Frozenclan,Rainclan and Mistclan.Please enjoy the prolouge and I'll try to complete the clan and cats A.S.A.P!

The moon shown like starlight across the silent moor, transforming the land into a shimmering pond.The sweet melody of crickets and the hums of frogs echoed quietly in the whispering night's air.

A muscular tom padded through the ferns of his territory,his light-gray pelt turned into a shining silver by the moon's rays.
The tom twitch his whiskers with disgust as the putrid oder of a fox crossed paths with him,but he sighed with relief when it was stale.

{I must get to the Star Oak!}He thought with a urge.Swiftly dashing like the wind on the moor,the tom soon caught sight of the massive canopy of a huge twisting oak sparkling from its gorgeous leaves.A big hollow hole was carved into the middle of the Star Oak,enabling the cats of the clans to enter it's stunning home.

Once the tom reached it's domain,he stopped and panted hard.Although he was the leader of Breezeclan, he was at the age of becoming old and slow.Silently,the tom walked into the darkness of the oak,his shimmering pelt now transforming into a deep black,melting the leader into the shadows.

The tom waved through the thick vines that were rooted into the oak,yet at the sametime,the cold soil that covered the bottom,until he met with the route that would lead him up to the grand platform of the canopy.As his eyes adjusted to the darkness that surrounded him,he could see the strong,big branches that stuck out of the hard bark walls.

{C'mon Stormstar!Your not that old yet!You can still make it to the top as you did when you were younger!}The tom,Stormstar,though to himself.He quietly added,'hopefully', as he thought.

With a leap full of strength,Stormstar heaved himself up the first branch as his claws connected with the wood.After he managed to scramble up,Stormstar gulped in deep breaths.
He sighed as he gazed upon the many other jumps and platforms there were.

{Nobody said it would be easy.}He sighed and bunched his muscles up for the next jump of faith.


Stormstar pushed himself up the last branch with effort,then collapsed on the top floor,gasping for breath.His muscles and bones were screaming with pain,but he made himself get back up on his paws and wobble toward a massive,thick root that was filled with glowing gems and jewels that made it shine brighter than the whole tree.Stormstar rubbed his eyes from the light and managed to catch a glimpse of the hole that was broken at the top of the leaves,creating a crater big enough for moonlight to cast itself upon the sparkling trunk.

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