Hermione then takes a sharp breath not really how to start. "So... I'm guessing your friends?" She says sounding unsure, Mattheo shuffles in his seat uncomfortably as Ada gives them an enthusiastic nod. "But mate he's. You-Know-Whose son." Ron whispers with wide eyes as Mattheo rolls his. Ada swiftly snaps her head over to the boy. "No way! Wow this is brand new information, how come you never told me!? Ugh this is truly unbelievable." She says sarcastically, slapping her hands on her lap while Ron looks offended.

People start laughing at Ada's sarcasm and the look on Ron's face was priceless.

"When did this happen then?" Hermione questions. Ada smiles and answers. "Oh, end of last year, we kept in contact over the summer." Mattheo has a small smile on his face remembering all the chaotic letters he received. Ada's tone then changed to something more serious. "If you have a problem with our friendship I suggest you keep it to yourself. He's my friend and you wont have a say about who I can and can not hang out with. Well unless he like hurts you, but it works either way." The three just nods their head silently agreeing to be civil towards each other. Ada smiles sweetly "So... Back to what I was going to tell you..."

"So let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban, to come after you?" Ron says completely baffled. "Yeah." Ada shrugs like it was normal. Which it kinda was, she's been targeted every year so far. "But they'll catch Black won't they? I mean everyone's looking for him." Hermione says.

"Probably not." Mattheo mutters.

"Sure. Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a murderous, raving lunatic."

"Thanks, Ron." Ada smiles sarcastically.

"Yeah, thanks Ron." Sirius says annoyed. Ron looks over sheepishly. "Sorry." Sirius sighs and shakes his head. He can't wait for his name to be cleared, then he can have his family with him and they can live happily together.

The train the screeches to a halt "Why are we stopping?" Hermione asks looking out of the rain covered window "We can't be there yet." Ada gets up and opens the compartment door and looks out spotting a number of students doing the same. The train shakes causing Ada to fall back to her seat almost falling on to Mattheo. "Careful." He mumbles slightly smirking.

"What's going on?"

"Don't know, maybe we've broken down." Suddenly the lights go out, the only light now was the dull grey-blue light outside. "Ouch, Ron, that was my foot." Hermione complained. Ron places his hand on the foggy window trying to look outside. "There's something moving out there." He gulped as the lights started to flicker.

"I think someone's coming aboard." Ron whimpers as the train jerks back. Everyone starts breathing heavily, a cloud of mist flowing after every breath. Ron looks over to his hand and spots ice crystals form creating a cold film over the window. The train jerks again causing Ron to jump back in surprise. "Bloody hell! What's happening?"

Suddenly a cloaked figurer floats up to their door, opening it with a turn of it's hand. It then reaches out to pull the door, Ada sees a long boney hand reach out and push the door. The cloaked figure stops infront of the doorway and looks in. Ron and Hermione back away as much as they can, Crookshanks hisses at the figure Scabbers hides in Ron's coat. Ada grips onto Mattheos hand while he carefully watches it.

Sirius shivers and his chest starts to heave at the sight of the dementor, all the bad feelings he had started to come back up. Even though there wasn't a dementor in the room with him, the sight of them would triggers his PTSD. Remus spots the pale sight of his husband and pulls him into his chest, kissing him on the head and whispering sweet nothings into his ear trying to distract him form the feeling.

The dementor does it's heavy breathing and looks straight to Ada, who hasn't taken her eyes off of it. It breaths again and it now looks like her soul was being sucked out. Ada was taking staggered breathes as the dementor was draining the life out of her.

Sirius' eyes fill with tears. All he could think about was that it was his fault. It was his fault that the dementors were on the train. It was his fault his Bambi was getting hurt. Noticing the look on her dads face Ada looks at him dead in the eyes. "It's not your fault." He was about to say something but was quickly cut off. "I know it's not your fault. Do you want to know why?" Sirius slowly nods not trusting his voice at the moment. "Because you are innocent. And if the ministry just thought for one fucking second and gave you a trial, the right man would've gone to Azkaban. If the old manipulator just told the truth none of this would of happened. You wanted to avenge my mother and father, your best friend and brother, your husband, and your little daughter who loves you with all her heart. I would never ever blame you for anything that happened that year. I blame them."

Sirius let out a broken sob, pulls her onto his lap and hugged his little girl as tight as possible, burring his face into her hair repeating 'I love you' and 'I'm so sorry'. Ada sniffles a little and hugged him tighter. "I love you so much dad." Sirius lifts his head and looks at Ada with his glassy red eyes and kisses her forehead.

Remus Lupin who was asleep suddenly opened his eyes, stands up and wordlessly casts a spell. A bright light fills the compartment and the dementor flies away. Ada hears a woman's scream and promptly blacks out. Mattheo quickly catches her, setting her down gently on the seats resting her head on his lap.

After a few minutes she starts to come to. "Ada are you alright?" Hermione asks as Ada looks around. Mattheo slowly helps her up when Remus holds out some chocolate. "Here eat this. It'll help. It's alright it's chocolate." Ada smiles taking the chocolate but still looks a bit dazed.

"You and you chocolates." Sirius says with a smile, voice still weak. Remus smile then hands some over to his husband whose eyes brighten a bit and scoffs it down.

"What was that thing?"

Remus looks to Ada with a soft look. "It was a dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to have a little word with the driver." He gets up and heads out the door before turning back. "Eat. You'll feel better." He shuts the door and walks off.

Ada takes a bite and slightly leans onto Mattheo feeling tired. "You alright?" He whispers gaining a small unsure nod. "What happened to me?"

"Well you sort of went rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something." Ron's tone was full of worry. "And did anyone else , you know. pass out?" Mattheo shook his head, though he did feel light headed when the dementor came in. "No. I felt weird though. Like I'd never be cheerful again."

"But someone was screaming. A woman."

"No one was screaming Ada." Hermione tells the girl. Ada looks out the window feeling Mattheo rub comforting circles on her hand.

a/n: I'm backkkkk my loves. I know i said id do two chapters however ive got massive writers block so im sorry. However i promise it wont take me 2 weeks for another update. I just need to get the flow back.

anywaysss i came back and saw i was on 50k views and 2k votes so thank you so much :) have a lovely day/night <3

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