Chapter Two- Locked Out Of Heaven

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*Zach's POV*

Everybody on the bus stared at me. "Just an option nothing serious guys, gosh." I shoved a Dorito in my mouth.

"There's a hotel across the street, Zach." Brent offered from the back of the bus. "We can all just get adjoining rooms and then get up and leave in the morning." I nodded in agreement.

"Guys." I turned my head and saw Michael in a shade of green. "I think-" he didn't finish his sentence before be ran out of the bus to throw up.

"I told him not to kiss that girl on the lips. Bad things happen with them always." Cameron said getting a banana off the counter.

"Hey little virgin," Dillon said,"go fuck yourself."

For some reason I got all defensive for him."Don't worry Cameron, Dill's just jealous because your pickle is bigger than his."

"Ooh, Dillon. Haha." Brent exclaimed from his bunk. "But really we should get a hotel room. Michael is not going to get us all sick and puke on us all night."

"Okay let's go." Michael came back in and we drove to the hotel to check in. Since the hotel was short in rooms, Brent and Dillon were in a room together in two queen beds, Michael in a room by himself in a king bed, and me and Cameron got stuck in a room with one king sized bed. But in some sick and twisted way, I wouldn't say we were 'stuck' together.

"CAMERON! WHERE THE HELL ARE MY BOXERS MAN?!" I yelled after I got out of the shower. I normally just sleep in my boxers and if it's cold I sleep in sweats and a shirt.

"I don't know, man I only brought my night stuff." Damn it. It's dirty to sleep in your clothes that fans have been all up on all day.

"Well now I have to sleep in this nasty ass towel." I heard him laugh. I walked out of the bathroom in my towel around my waist and jumped onto the right side of the bed, my side. Im pretty sure I saw Cameron stare at me with an expression that I have never seen before. It's weird with me and Cameron. We've been best friends since seventh grade and lately I've been feeling more closer to him. Maybe because we've gone through so much together lately but why don't I feel this way towards Michael? I can't confront Cameron about this because then he might think Im gay. I know f I tell Michelle she'll think Im gay as well. Nobody in this world actually listens anymore they just judge on the first word.

Cameron plopped down onto the left side of the bed and turned on the TV. Since it was past midnight, only the news was on and Jerseylicous and porn commercials such as playboy and those cliche call now commercials. No guy benefits from it, I know from experience. Well it does make you jerk off. The room air conditioner was out and the night humidity was not helping my case. Cameron on the other hand was sweating bullets. His hand moved towards mine and caressed it then immediately moved it away. My eyes were closed but the touch made chills run through me and I knew I needed more. I just knew.


He groaned in reply.

"Don't take this in any direction because they both lead the wrong way, but could you touch my hand again?" In less than a second I felt the mass of his hand covered mine and I felt the rush again. I grabbed it and moves it to my cheek.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me.

I pressed my lips onto his palm. "Im sorry Cameron." His hand moved my head and I faced him. His green eyes shone in the moonlight. He put the TV on mute and caressed my cheek.

"Zach." He sighed making me shiver. "It okay. It's always been okay." He pressed his lips on mine making me moan deeply. "Is it okay for you?"

I thought about it. "Yes." I whispered into his ear. Instantly our lips hungrily met and our tongues entered each others mouth, each minute heavenly. My towel fell off of my hips as I rolled on top of him. I struggled to pull his boxers off, our lips never leaving. His hands made circles around my back leading down to my ass as I toyed with his hair. I've never had gay sex but it was way better than with girls. No stupid moaning every second of the time. We stopped to catch out breath but he never let his perfect hips lose rhythm. My mouth took control of my body and trailed down his abs to his abdomen to the V of the guy. His slick erection made my mouth water but made my stomach churn. I couldn't stop myself as I sucked on it like it was a lollypop. Cameron moaned loudly only once. I finally made my way to his ass. I shoved my shaft into it as we both moaned in unison. The matter of the situation was satisfying as hell.

"Zach you've had your fun." Cameron choked out. "Let me try. Please. There's a reason why I've never had a girlfriend. I think I was made for this. Honestly." I allowed my body to move to the bottom as Cameron started to give me a blowjob. The sexual excitement I had was so much bigger than I have ever experienced made me feel like I would be locked out of heaven. Literally. Each thrust Cameron gave made me clutch the sheets of the hotel bed. Finally we both turned around. Playing with each other's hard-on and making out all night. I don't care what the idiotic fans think. Or my girlfriend. I just care about this moment here and now. Because this moment was all Ive been waiting for, for like my whole entire life. And it was perfect.

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