Farewell to this life, Hello to my new one!

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Conny's POV

Conny is currently lying on her warm bed, looking at the ceiling then the window since her bed is close to it.

Wow, how many years past to finally this day! I am now six years old and today is the day for me to get adopted! Pff! Adopted! Who am I kidding now? I will be at home finally, today.

"Good morning, everyone!!" The girl with orange hair shouted, getting up from her bed and woke the others.

Oh, it's 63194, Emma! The cheerful girl who is one of the oldest of us all, eleven years old, and also one of the smartest too! She is good at running and playing tag, the game we always play in break times!

"Good morning,Emma!" The other kids replied, wake up and start to put on their shoes.

"Emma, I can't tie my shoelace..." Said some of the little kids.

"Don't worry! I've got it covered!" Emma responded with a smiled. She is always a good helper.

"Oh for goodness sake! Quite goofing around and start dressing!" A green hair girl with glasses shouted at the seven years old boys, who are messing around in the room.

Right! The girl is 65194, Gilda and she is ten years old. She is one of the second oldest and a very responsible person but sometimes she can be quite bossy. The boys are 54294 and 55294, Lannion and Thoma. They are best of friends and are always messing around and driving Gilda crazy, trying to keep them down.

"Let's go, Conny!" Said a boy with dark skin and black hair to me.

Hm! This is 16194, Don. He is also one of the second oldest and was very kind to me at the beginning till now!

"Right!" I answered and walked with him.
On the way

"Good morning, Don, Conny and of course to your little Bernie!" Emma shouted as she ran by, carrying a kid in her arms.

That cute kid that I think kinda looks like Don is 34394, Phil, who is four at the age but he is soo smart compared to me!

"Good morning, Emma!" Me and Don replied as we watched the girl ran pass us with a few kid following her.
In the dining place

I thought Emma was running. how come she get in after every one and with kids climbing on her. Well, not surprising if it's Emma, she is always full of energy.

"Gowd morwing! Ray! Norman!" Emma shouted to her best friends who is helping with breakfast, Phil is sticking out to her mouth so she is sounding quite weird.

"Good morning, Emma." The boy with white hair and blue eyes replied politely to Emma.

Well, 22194, Norman, he is a genius of whatever way and of course, the smartest of us all and the only one that could last the longest in a game of chess with mama, aka Isabella. The caretaker of us and the one who sent us to the demons. She doesn't have a clue of who I am though fortunately. She is also one of the person that I admire.

"Yeah, 'Gowd morwing.' Emma!" Teased the boy with messy short black hair, parted to the right so that the longer part has covered haft of his face.

That's 81194, Ray. He is the one that I admire the most. He is like me, knows the secret of the house and about the demons but although I also know something else. I think I remember that he suspected me before with my small toy that actually has a voice track thing in it. But Ray didn't found out so, yeah. He did a really great job of hiding the secret.

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