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Ghosts May Be
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▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။၊|• 1:21

"Riya! Julie!" Both girls shrieked as soon as they turned the corner.

The guys had apparently thought it was a great idea to stack themselves up like a very short cheerleading pyramid and yell their names at the top of their ghostly lungs. Needless to say Riya's heart nearly stopped out of pure fear. She'd have to have a talk with the guys about not trying to kill her as well.

"You! Stop doing that! I'm serious." Julie was just as done with the joking ghosts as Riya was, the only difference being she recuperated much faster from the shock than Riya did.

"Whoa! This one's all on you. We were already here," Reggie spoke proudly before shrugging as if he had come to a different conclusion than what he spoke. "Well, actually, we were over there, and then we came over here."

"Are we not gonna talk about what happened?" Luke interrupted before Reggie could go on a tangent, still bouncing with the leftover adrenaline from the show.

"You mean the part where you try to give us a heart attack or the part where the whole school saw you?"

Luke thought about it for a second before he answered. "The second one."

"The whole school saw you. It's kinda freaking me out." Riya hummed in agreement with Julie, readjusting the strap of the guitar searing its way into her shoulder.

"I've been freaked out since day one, this is only adding to it."

"Okay, good, 'cause it's kind of freaking me out too." Alex joined in on the conversation, also seemingly bouncing, but unlike Luke's bouncing, his was based solely on anxious thoughts.

"It's a good thing we're all freaking out?"

"Yes!" They all gave Alex weird looks at his odd choice of wording, which he immediately seemed to realize and tried to correct.

"Well no, but yes. You know, you could see us," He pointed at Julie. "And then you could see us too," He pointed at Riya, though she held her tongue regarding the fact that they certainly weren't the first ghosts she had seen and spoken to in her lifetime.

"And... And people could see us whenever we play music. And my clothes are made of air, but for some reason, I'm still getting a wedgie. So many questions."

Julie and Riya shared a look of disgust, their noses scrunched up as the visual image of Alex getting a wedgie popped into their minds while Luke comforted him; unsuccessfully.

"Too much information, Alex. Far too much information."

"The important thing is that we rocked that place. They were loving you two!" With burning cheeks and a bashful smile, Riya looked downwards at her shuffling feet.

She may have taken the massive step in how comfortable she felt with exposing her talents, but receiving compliments while facing the complimenter was still a long ways away.

"Are you kidding? They loved us," Unlike Riya, Julie was willing to admit the crowd loved her, or more specifically all of them as she even nudged Riya in excitement. "That was a great song, Luke. Thanks. And thank you too, Riya for fixing it."

"Anytime." Riya replied while Luke's grin only grew wider, if possible.

"And did you guys see the cheerleaders looking at me?" Reggie began freaking out in a very different manner than Alex was as he still had the being wedgied face while Reggie shook Luke excitedly. "I think they were looking at me. Please tell me they were."

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