36. Necessary Evil

Start from the beginning

"Well, um..." My voice drops to a whisper, I don't like where this is going at all.

"They would try again, Aisha," Marshall says then, his voice angry and harsh. "And I've gotta stop them before they..."

"No!!" I interrupt him, backing away from him. I don't want anybody else dying on my behalf!

"I'm sorry, baby," he says gravely. "But it's either you or them and you already know what I would choose.

"No, Marshall. Please don't!!" I shake my head frantically. Can't we just all live in peace?!

Apparently not.

"Actually, your cracker husband is right, Aisha," my father's voice booms from somewhere behind us and I automatically jump away from Marshall, I don't even know why I dp that, but something tells me it's got something to do with how we had used to have to keep our relationship secret from my daddy back in our past, back when we first met.

"Daddy, seriously?!" I huff, looking at my father incredulously, just as Marshall's arm wraps around my waist and he brings me back close to him, giving zero concern, as always.

"Yes, Princess," my father says gravely. "The truth is that those Cuban niggas are out for your blood right now. And once they realize they've failed the first time, they would come after you again, there's not a doubt about that."

"Which is exactly why I should've handled them earlier," Marshall says angrily, his voice sending a weird chill down my spine as I force myself to concentrate on what my father is saying.

My daddy clears his throat, gives Marshall a dirty look and continues.

"Yeah, only thing is, you were dead wrong to try and take care of it yourself earlier, cracker. And that's just one thing your white trailer park trash ass refuses to see. Guess you could take a boy out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the boy. No matter how much money you have now, at the end of the day, you are still a goddamn peasant, Shady," he scoffs, causing Marshall's whole body to tense up against mine and he attempts to walk around me and get at my father.

I grab on to him and hold on for dear life, my eyes pleading with his.

Marshall clenches his jaw, rolls his eyes and backs off just slightly then. Myself clearly being the only thing keeping him from raining punches at my father's face.

"Thanks for proving my point, cracker," my father then smirks, and I could honestly kill him right now. Could kill them both, for being so freaking hard-headed.

"And thanks for proving to me yet again why you don't deserve my fucking daughter," my daddy then continues. "I swear, I never wanted Aisha to end up with somebody like you. Get it though your tough head, Marshall. You are fucking rich now. You don't have to handle your problems yourself anymore. You can hire other people to do it for you."

"Oh, ya mean how you had hired other motherfuckers to shoot at me before, only they had fucking shot your own daughter instead?" Marshall then fires back, finally moving me to the side and getting directly in my father's face. And I am honestly so shocked by what I have just heard that I'm not even trying to stop the two of them from getting at each other anymore.

"Fuck you say to me, cracker?!" My daddy's voice booms loud and clear as usual.

"You fucking heard me, Suge. Don't try to play father of the year now. Aisha may forgive you for that shit, but I never would. You almost fucking killed her," Marshall says passionately.

Next thing I know, they are both going at it, forcing me to snap out of whatever daze I was just in.

"Oh my God!! Stop, please stop, because I can't take it anymore!!" I get in between them. I push Marshall back and away from my father, glaring at him as he towers over me.

Marshall breathes heavily, but he somewhat settles down once I put my palm flat across his cheek, forcing him to look at me. His baby blues slowly but surely returning to their regular color, as opposed to dark, almost black they were just becoming.

"Fuck, Aisha," he mutters, clenching his jaw hard and looking down at his feat.

I briefly turn towards my father who is now leaning against the wall with his massive frame.

"Aisha, your husband is right about one thing," he repeats his previous point nonchalantly. "Those Cubans cannot just be left be, because they are out for your blood, Princess. Which is exactly why I have already sent my men out there to take care of them."

"You did what, daddy?" I whisper, feeling my blood turn cold. I swallow hard, looking helplessly at Marshall, hoping he would be just as mortified as I am, but he looks... set, his face drained of emotion, lips forming into a straight line.

"Ya shoulda told me, Suge. I would've went with them," he states coldly, causing my father to chuckle.

"See, that's exactly my point from earlier, Shady. I just fucking told you, kid. There's no reason for us to get involved ourselves when we got henchmen to do it for us. Get away from that ghetto ass trailer park trash mentality already and accept that you don't have to do shit no more but give orders and watch them be followed, boy. You have to if you are to continue to stay married to my daughter. Aisha deserves a man that's a boss, not a fucking goon."

Marshall frowns again, looking like he's got something to say to that, but at that point, I've honestly had enough. From the both of them.

"God, I am so done!!" I exclaim, storming off.

I manage to make it almost all the way to the front door of my daddy's house when I feel Marshall's arms wrap tightly around me.

"Stop, Aisha, just stop, aight?" He says quietly in my ear. He then turns me around, resting his forehead against mine.

"Marshall, I seriously can't take this crap," I state seriously. "I do not want anybody to die because of me. And the fact that you and daddy don't see no problem with killing somebody over me freaks me the hell out!!"

"I know, baby," he says sadly. He leans in and kisses my lips softly. I don't fight him, but I don't respond to him neither. He pulls away and continues to talk. "Aisha, you've got a good heart. Always have and God knows it's one of the things I admire so much about you. But sometimes it's also your downfall, baby girl. I been told you that. You are way too forgiving, Aisha. Those dudes tried to fucking assassinate you. And if your father and I don't take care of them, then they would just keep trying until they succeed. Which ain't something neither I nor ya daddy can have. Guess it's the one thing Suge and I have in common. So, this thing, as much as it displeases you, baby, it's gotta happen. Those motherfuckers gotta die. It's either you or them and you already know which one I would choose, so don't even try to fight me on this, aight?"

"But, Marshall..."

"But nothing, baby. It's just the way it's got to be," he states with no emotion in his voice. "A necessary evil."

I feel my breathing intensify from fear, just as my heart beat picks up. Is this really the man I'm so in love with and have chosen to spend my life with? Somebody that has no problem with other people's lives being taken just like that?!

I guess I've already had that debate with myself though.

"Listen, Aisha. I know it don't make no sense to you right now, but I'm only cool with it cause I love you," Marshall says to me, instantly breaking down my defenses.

"I love you too, boy," I say automatically, feeling his fingers on my jaw, gripping it as he brings me closer to him, kissing me. I kiss him back and wrap my arms slowly around his neck.

Just then, my father clears his throat behind us.

"Yeah, not under my goddamn roof you two are not," he states. "I might have accepted that there's no fighting this unhealthy rotten thing that's between the two of you, but I'll be damned if I let you feel up all on my daughter right where I lay my head, Shady."

Marshall then looks up somewhat smugly at my father.

"Yeah, about that, Suge," he states cockily.

"I don't wanna hear it," my father interrupts him, walking away from us, tossing over his shoulder, "Just remember that the only reason YOU are still alive is cause Aisha loves you. But I can always change my mind and bury you, boy."

"Yeah, aight," Marshall smirks. "Like your threats ever fazed me, Suge."

God help me...

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