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Loud thuds of metal boots that clunked rhythmically with the hard stone floor of the castle disturbed the silence of the night.

Soldiers, both covered in armour and not flooded the dark hallways, light from the fires on the torches rimmed their features as they skiddled to and fro , calling for the prince.

"Prince Leviathan!" They chanted, checking each and every room they pass.

Little did they know, the prince- with a victorious smile on his face is hiding from them. He clutched the hood of his cloak to cover his head and carefully took the dark corridors, his heart pounded inside him. But he must run away.

He is not fit to be a prince, for a prince has to conquer other kingdoms , make alliances and threaties, regulate taxes , arrange and decide on fair trades all that whilst protecting his own kingdom.

He can fight and protect himself, sure , but he can not protect a hundred people all at once, how much more a whole kingdom?

His steps were quick as he make his way out the front gates, ghostly pale moonlight casted on him, lighting the edges of his cloak with its misty silver colour.

The prince panted , finally he is free, he looked back at the gates. "farewell castle, goodbye father"

One might think that being a prince is great. Born with wealth and power, bathed with the freshest milk, dressed in the finest silk and linen, fed with the highest quality meat.

But being a prince is more than that. Being a prince means having your life planned for you, constantly being told what not or what to do. Being forced to do things against your will. Forced to hold a sword and shield for the kingdom. A weak king can't make a strong kingdom afterall.

The prince set off into a run, his cloak fluttered behind him like broken wings of a pale moth,flying towards the blinding light of an unknown fate. His small bag bounced on his back, rattling lowly. He took big steps, the cold kisses of the night air filling his being.

Meanwhile a guard hurriedly as well as nervously sprinted towards the west wing of the castle. Holding his helmet on the pit of his arm.

He gulped, looking at the door in front of him. He pushed the ajared door slowly to open it wider to a dark room, no light, flames, or even a glint of illumination can be seen but rather very empty darkness.

"yes? " a very demanding voice said, sighing a very long breath.

"the Prince is missing sir" the guard answered, keeping himself from stuttering, his sire never liked ones who stutter.

"how?!" His voice echoed, chasing the warmth in his blood away. " how could he escape you? I have eyes all around the castle. And still that brat was able to get pass you! " he stepped forward, out his room. Light from the torch of the guard showered on his features. His unruly hair spreaded in all direction, a golden crown proudly sat on his head. Steady in the most perfect position. The bags of his eyes , rather droopy and dark, whilst his stares are sharp and manancing.

"send men" he gripped the guards collar. Fire from the torch reflected on his dark eyes. "I want you to find the Prince and bring him back. I need him alive, I want to slaughter him in front of the King myself" a grin appeared in his face, as his eyes lose focus , melting into his thoughts.

He let go of the guard. Dropping him on the floor. He turned around briskly, his silken cape fluttering behind him. The guard looked at him as he make his way back to his room. Closing the door with unnecessary force.

"go! "his voice roared on the other side.

"yes sir" the guard answered and quickly got up, squeezing the torch tighter in his hands. He broke out into another run, intending to deliver the orders of his sire.

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