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"This is not how it's supposed to be."
The voice echoes throughout the empty airport terminal. Max shakes his head and closes his eyes. His foot taps impatiently on the freshly polished floor as he waits out the 6th delay of his flight back to Monaco.

The weather shows no signs of taming down with rain and thunder roaring mercilessly, giving an impeccable view out of the airport window. A few others are seated ,scattered across the waiting area.

He knew missing the private flight yesterday would have consequences but it seemed like the universe hated him with all these delays.
Also the constant hallucinations didn't make it any better. He knew they weren't real, she wasn't really here and trying to convince him to come back. For all he knew, she was actually happy that they didn't have to follow through with Adriens suggestion.

He didn't blame her though. She was dying and he doubts that this is how she'd want to spend her time - completing side quests with a stranger. Well not really a stranger but someone of no significance in her life.

Sometimes it cost being so selfless, and right now he could see the championship slipping away from his embrace.  He was alreday 45 points behind Lewis and with how things are working out for him, the gap is bound to get more intense.

He crosses his arms, leaning back on the metal seat. He'd worry about his life when he gets to Monaco. Content with that explanation and the sound of rain pouring,he doses off.

"Justice just called, you didn't go to the flower shop today?" Mrs Anderson interrogates taking a sip of her steaming cup of coffee.
Grace shifts her position on the couch, she hadn't really thought it through.

"Yeah. I went out with a friend instead."
Her moms eyes zero in on her and her dad leans in , pausing the movie they were watching.
"What friend?" He asks with a smile on his face.
Grace knew he was being genuine but couldn't bite down the frustration of feeling like her parents thought of her as a loser.
"You don't know him." She takes a sip of her coffee, humming at the familiar smell.
"Him?! Did you go on a date?" Her moms jumps up.
"A date,Grace? Really? Tell us about him-"
She tries to ignore them but it doesn't mellow out.
"What does he do for a living? How serious are you guys? Does he know about your condition-" that was the final straw for the brunette because she stood up from her place on the couch , stomping over to the kitchen.
"Don't get upset. We are just curious because we care about you."she curses at the kitchen walls for being so thin.

"If you actually cared one of your first and foremost concern wouldn't be reminding me about how iam dying- you would actually be happy for me!" She marches out of the kitchen , coming face to face with their shocked faces.
"And don't concern yourselves too much because your daughter doesn't have a boyfriend. He's a barely a friend! The only friend I have is Justice - who iam pretty sure just pities me!." She paces around as tears flow down her cheeks.
The silence from her parents tells her that she was acting way out of character but she didn't car.
"I don't have friends because I'm a loser! I'll fucking die alone and nobody's going to blink an eye -"
"Don't say that Grace. You're our world." She pauses, eyes them then continues.
"Apart from you guys obviously.I'm your whole world - that makes sense ,but it shouldn't go both ways. Not when iam so young , I should have a friend group to rely on , a loving boyfriend. I'll never get to experience all those things because I kept putting it off and now I'm going to be dead sooner than later!"

Her watch beeps loudly. She slides down on the wall, putting her face in her hands before looking up.
"I'm sorry- I just - I'm dying." Her voice breaks.
Her parents rush over to her , embracing her in a hug.
"Don't be sorry, love. Its not your fault."
She puts her face in her moms shoulder as her dad soothingly rubs her back.
"We were waiting for a reaction from you. I'm kind of glad it finally came." Her mom remarks making her laugh.
"I'm sorry. I didnt mean to let it all out on you guys."
The beeping red watch finally goes green and silent. Grace let's put a sigh, just soaking in her parents care because she just realised , she might not have this privilege for a long time.

Their floor talk is interrupted by the sudden knocking on their house's door accompanied by hurried bell ringing.
They all disperse in confusion, standing up. Grace watches as her dad opens the door, immediately backing away.

A distraught looking Max runs towards her, wrapping his hands around her; pulling her in a bone crushing hug. Grace can hear the uneven breaths he's taking as his face grazes her ear. With shaking hands Max reaches for the back of her head, running his hand over her frizzy hair as she awkwardly places a hand on his back.

"Are you okay?" He asks Grace, pulling back slightly.
His hands rest on her shoulder as his watercoloured eyes glisten with tears while he stares down at her.
"Iam. Are YOU okay?" She asks gesturing towards the tears pooling in his eyes.
He shakes his head, pulling her into him.
"Fucking hell, I'm not. I thought something happened to you-"

His words get interrupted as Mr Anderson clears his throat. They both seperate staring back at two very confused parents of Grace.
"Uh- mom , dad, this is-"
"Max verstappen! As you know it!" Her dad surges forward , taking the Dutch's hand in a tight hold.
Max smiles awkwardly.
"It is him." He slurs on his words making Grace laugh.

"What are you doing here?" She asks in a low voice as her parents go into the kitchen to grab something to drink for "the pale looking boy" - as her mom had said.
"I had a dream." He fiddles with his hand, breaking eye contact with Grace.
"Weren't you flying back tonight?" She asks , taking a seat next to him.
"It got delayed and I made the mistake of falling asleep." He sucks in a breath , closing his eyes.
Grace places a hand on his back. The man had been through alot , he deserved some compassion. She just didn't expect him to grab her hand and interlace it with his.

"It felt so real. You were begging for help- barely hanging off a cliff and I- I was just standing there until you dropped. The scream , it was horrifying-"
Grace felt him taking deep breaths.
"It wasn't real. You're okay , I'm okay."
He opens his eyes , turning towards her.
"I'm sorry if I caught you off guard."
"Absolutely not. I appreciate you coming back just to check up on me." She puts her other hand over their prior interlaced ones and smiles at him.
He relaxes a bit , smiling back at her.

"Grace. I know this might sound insanely selfish but can we follow Adriens suggestion?" Her gaze drops as she faces ahead.
From over his shoulder she can see her parents peaking from behind the kitchen wall. Her mom shows her a toothy smile - the first she'd seen in a while.
"I'll get you back as soon as possible. In the next five races , we will visit the temples and do what he said- for the sake of my sanity Grace -because honestly I can't handle another dream like this one." He looks up at her hopefully, squeezing her hand tightly.
"Let's do it."
He smiles finally letting go of her hand and taking out his phone.
"Wait- your parents." He says turning back to the kitchen area where Mr and Mrs Anderson quickly hide themselves behind a wall to not make it seem like they were cooing at the two.
"I'm sure they'll be fine."

I'm a strong believer of the idea that Max is a soft boy. Argue with the wall because HAVE YOU SEEN HIM WITH KELLY??

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