[3] The Dwarf

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On the weekend I set off on my way. I hope my GPS, which I've never used, will become useful right now.

I wanted to go there by my motorcycle but judging by the terrain it will be better to go by bus.

I traveled there for several hours. The doctor told me a forest officer should wait for me in front of the great hill but no one was there. I waited for next thirty minutes but still no one. I tried my luck with the GPS then.

I didn't expect the way to be so exhausting and difficult for orientation. Even with my GPS I got lost at least five times or I walked in circles but I heard footsteps in a while...

"Come out! You are surrounded!" I heard a deep voice and went after it.

"What are you doing here?! Judging by your clothes you are one of the smugglers!" What does he have against my khaki tank top, jeans and scarf on the neck?

"No. Dr. Nam hadn't informed you? He told me he'll send you a letter about me coming here." He put his weapon down and face-palmed.

"That guy... he already sent here at least five of his patients from Bangkok. It's hard to deliver letters here so it takes sometimes two weeks. That's why we haven't been informed."

"Well, apology would be great. Who are you by the way?"

"Officer Phupha, this is Rang and Yod." They waved at me like two idiots.

"And the apology?" He frowned at me. Is it too much for his pride?

"I'm sorry for accusing you of invading our home village." I accepted his apology even though the face he made could have been better.

"Fine, forgiven. Could you lend me a hand in getting into the village?"

"Well, I have to make sure you are not carrying any dangerous things before I let you there."

"Excuse me?" He approached me and started searching my bag.

"Jackknife? Pepper spray? Smoke bombs? Are you sure you don't plan anything?"

"It's just my habit of being careful. I don't plan any attack."

"Still... I'll take it with me while you are here. You won't need it." He literally stole my precious things.

"Hey! That's stealing!"

"It's not. I'm just confiscating it while you are here. You can take it back when you leave." I frowned but I already know I can't oppose to him. I wouldn't even get to the village if I tried something.

"Fine, take it. I can take care of myself even without that." He smirked. Is he making fun of me or what?

"Okay, now follow us. You won't find it without anyone's company." I'm sure I'd be able to find it on my own in few days.

When I finally saw the small village, I thought I'm completely in different world. It was so beautiful and refreshing. It really looked like in some fairytale.

I couldn't even look around more as small children started running to us.

"Officer Phupha, Officer Phupha, who is it?!"

"That's our new friend, Ayi."

"Another friend Doctor Nam sent us?"

"Yes, Doctor Nam doesn't want us to feel lonely without him so he keeps sending us new friends." All of the kids looked happy.

"Hey, your lesson hasn't ended yet! Come back to the classroom!" A young handsome man came in our way.

"Another visitor?" He looked at the officer and he nodded.

"Damn, Nam won't give us a break."

"Teacher Tian just swore!"

"Kalae, go back to the class, immediately!" They ran away when they saw how angry he is.

"Hey, Yok, just so you know, these two are village's lovebirds so better don't get between them!" Said Yod and Rang laughed. Officer pointed his fist at them and they covered their heads. So Tian is already taken.

"I don't care about this. I'm just on the vacation."

"Who told you this? Staying in the village means you'll be helping everyone for warm food and stay over. You'll work as much as others." That lying son of a b... doctor.

"You know Nam never tells them everything to make them go here." Said Tian.

"That's why lots of them come but leave in the next three days. I hope you'll be more tough." He looked at me and I ignored his comment. I literally survived my death, nothing can be worse than that.

"Should I tell the Village Chief about our guest? I'm sure he will want to do another welcoming party."

"You can do that but when your class ends. I'm sure the kids are impatient already." Tian looked at me.

"I'll take him with me. He could introduce himself and feel more welcomed here." Officer nodded and Tian dragged me with him. I did not oppose.

"Stand up in front of the board and tell us something about yourself." He smiled at me and went to sit in the back beside another young guy.

"New friend?"

"You can say it like that but we don't know how long he will last." I can't believe they underestimate me.

I didn't even know how I should introduce myself. I definitely won't talk about my past full of crimes.

"You can start you know?" That little dwarf talked to me.

"Whatever. My name is Yok. I come from Bangkok." The kids started booing at me.

"Tell us more. Your hobbies and your life." That dwarf didn't stop annoying me.

"Well, I graduated from Faculty of Arts and besides that I'm good at martial arts."

"I won't torture you any more. But you must be professional at drawing. Would you mind showing us your skills? The kids could learn some new technique." I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Longtae, do him a model." He pointed his finger at himself and approached me.

"You better don't make me ugly." I rolled my eyes. Then I took a pencil and sketchbook from the desk and sat down on the floor.

"Hey, do some other pose. This is too plain." I said and he crossed his hands on his chest.

"Just do it quickly." He even has the nerve to command me. I drew him but as a dwarf because it fits him more. Then I showed him.

"Hey, that's not me! I'm not buddy with Snow White!" I showed it to the kids and they started laughing.

"It really looks like Phi Longtae!" Even Tian had to cover his laugh. Longtae took the sketchbook from my hands and examined it more closely.

"But well... you weren't lying about your skills. It looks really great like from some game."

"Told you and this suits you even more, Dopey."

"Hey, I'm not so short!" I stood up.

"Ya sure?"

"Woah, I haven't seen Phi Longtae being so mad about something ever since he has returned!"

"You are right! He's usually the most calm person in the village! Even Teacher Tian hasn't made him that mad!" Tian started to laugh. Dopey stood there in embarrassment.

PARTNERS IN CRIME | Yok x Longtae | FirstKhaotung fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now