Chapter 1

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"girl i need some dick" Jamie exaggerates over the phone as you pace around your dorm room "wait i thought you went on a date last night?" you stop now being confused on the constant complaining your best friend was doing "he was to stiff! y/n i literally just explained this to you not even 5 minutes ago! are you listening to me?!"

you let out a sigh and pull out your rolling chair "my bad girl, i'm just worried about what my exam results look like" you sit down and scoot back in to your desk as you stare your monitor screen that reads you score is still pending "you still haven't gotten them?" you hear a little muffling in the background over the phone "no, not yet" you then hear different voices as the muffling becomes just a tad clearer but definitely louder "what the fuck is you doing?" you question your focus shifting from the computer to Jamie.

"I'm with my daddy, we're leaving his campaign now, do you need me to come over?" you look back up at the screen that still remain as pending and roll your eyes, refreshing the screen once more "naw im good your dad needs your right now" you then hear a beeping noise coming from your phone.

incoming call from- 𝙾𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚕𝚏 🗝💕!

"oh, babes i gotta go, Lauren calling" you then hear the loud voices grow quieter assuming she must've gotten away front the press "alright, don't be stressing about that exam now- you the smartest girl i know! and tell lauren i said hey" you laugh listening to her as she drags out the Y in 'hey' "love you girl" "love you too" with that you end the call, picking up another

"what's up?" you listen as you hear muffled voices again, she must be in the hallway "y/n! are you busy?" you look back at your computer screen "nope" you pop the p and she lets out a small laugh along with her next sentence "can you meet me and Bart over by the courtyard? i have some exciting news!" you groan at the thought of seeing your sisters boyfriend "Bart? seriously?" she sighs "please?" you glance at the clock on your wall and then at word pending once more, you realizing you had literally nothing else to do "fine"

deciding to bring your books with you since you had a class in around 10 minutes you walk over to the spot Lauren wanted to meet up at, in this process you hear someone say your name, lifting your head up you see Bart giving you his weird white boy smile "damn, she ain't here yet" you mumble as you look to the side "what was that?" he asks moving a bit closer to you

this causes you to suck your teeth and raise your voice so he could hear you loud and clear "i said, damn she ain't here yet" he looks taken aback "jesus the way you said that made me think you don't actually like me" he then laughs as if what he said was actually funny, you roll your eyes and bring your books towards your chest "Y/n, Bart! guess what?" looking to your left you see your sister running towards the two of you

"guys, remember those artifacts i found this summer?" she slows down and you turn your body towards her in interest "what about them?" she glances at you with a beam in her eyes "well i was right! they are Ben Franklins!" you let out a small gasp and laugh "ok i see you sista!" you stick out your tongue holding your hand up high for a high five and just when the two of your hands smack together a loud sigh was heard, you look to see Bart rolling his eyes

"great. did you figure out where you wanna eat dinner tonight?" you squint your eyes at him and give your sister a look that says 'yo nigga ain't shit' she then returns it with a 'chill out' before glancing back at Bart "dinner?" she lets out a nervous chuckle "Bart some of these things are- they look like earlier inventions, and if i can discover wha they are it could be the greatest find in history of anyone attending harvard!" you move to stand behind her and let out a snarky comment "i told you he was a dick"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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