Return the Favor

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Clenching my jaw, I white knuckle it when the needle hits a particularly painful nerve in my left peck.

"You sure about this font, bro? Ain't exactly going with the vibe your other art is giving off." Tiny looks up, pulling the needle away.

I grunt, "Yeah, I'm sure. It's not for me."

"Well well well, did Devon Kingston finally find himself a girl?" Tiny hollers, slapping my shoulder. "So what's her name? Also, does she know you're tattooing today's date in her honor?"

Fuck. How do I say no to both his questions without sounding like a total psycho? How do I explain I just met her today, terrified her, then went straight to the tattoo shop after school to commemorate today in her honor? I'm completely aware of just how much of an asshole I am. And as fucked up as it is, she changed my life the second she walked through those doors. I was done for.

"No, she doesn't. Not planning on telling her yet." My answer is honest.

She can't know. Not any time soon.

Despite being head over fucking heels for Eve, I'm still pissed she's having this much of an effect on me. She doesn't even know she's got me in the palm of her hand.

But one day, I'm going to have her, and I can't fucking wait.


Twelve Years Later

As she lays naked on me, my beautiful wife traces the tattoos on my chest.

"You're a psycho you know," she purrs, biting her lip.

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" Gripping her ass tightly.

"Who the fuck goes and gets a tattoo on the day they meet someone?" Her fingers trace the tattoo etched into my left peck.

"I do." I shrug casually.

"It's still bizarre," she smiles, as she continues tracing my tattoo from the original dates to the dates underneath.

Dates I added to commemorate our children's births. Each one is as precious to me as the one dedicated to my wife.

Over the last three years, I've added on to my ink. Each and every one is dedicated to my family.

Eve sits up a tad, and the look she gives me is pure sex. Her eyes are glazed with lust, and dirty intention. My cock stirs in anticipation, waiting to hear what she's going to say.

"Do you want to know which one of these is my favorite? After the ones for the kids?" She practically purrs.

I know exactly which one she's referring to. I went out and got it a few days after I took her for the first time. The dirty girl jumped my bones when she saw it.

"Which one would that be?" I play along, reaching down to bury a finger in her pussy.

She moans, "This one."

Her finger tips graze over the lettering above the root of my cock. Her name in bold letters.

"And why is that your favorite one?" I coax her, rubbing her clit.

Eve grips my cock, "Because, it's all for me." She leans down and whispers, "Because I own it."

I don't even give her three seconds to react before I'm withdrawing my fingers and replacing them with my dick. I seat myself in one thrust, slapping her ass along the way.

"You've always owned me, even before you knew it." I kiss her, biting her lip.

Truer words have never been spoken. From the moment I saw her, from every moment since then.

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