When I Saw Her

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Devon POV

"Coach really laid into you today, huh, Kingston? And it's the first day too!" Jeremy Nash slaps my back laughing.

I shoot Nash a look, shoving my backpack into the locker next to him and slamming it closed. I knew this shit was coming the second we got off the field. I'm the starting QB1 for Rolling Hills High and I'm only a freshman. There's a lot riding on me as team captain and everyone knows it. Coach pushes me as hard as he does because I have potential and the best chance of going pro right out of college.

Seniors like Nash are pissed they've been passed over. But I won't take that shit, at the end of the day they answer to me on that field.

The entire summer I ate, shit, and breathed football. During the day, I was easily running drills for eight hours. And by the evening, my father was dragging me back to the field for more. Strict dedication, day and night.

"Aye, check out what's coming down the hall. Looks like it crawled out of a sewer" Gates, our wide receiver nods past my shoulder.

I don't know what I expected when I turned around, but I definitely wasn't expecting every bit of breath to leave my lungs, or the world to shift in an instant.

Coming through the double doors is a girl dressed head to toe in baggy black clothing. Her hair is pulled into a ratty bun ontop of her head, pieces loose and falling into her eyes. She's wearing thick-rimmed glasses that dwarfs the rest of her face. Books clasped to her chest, she's staring at a slip of paper in her hand and scanning the lockers nervously. She looks like hell.

There's a weird tug in my chest when she exhales, her breath blowing a piece of hair out of her eyes. She's not what you would call "classically pretty" more mousy if anything. Not my type at all. So why the fuck am I choking on my windpipe right now?

"We should fuck with her" Jeremy says with a snide smile.

Gates smirks, nodding then turning to me. I want to wipe that look off their faces with my fist. They aren't fit to look at her, let alone talk to her. Woah. The flash of possessiveness hits me out of nowhere and pisses me off. Who does this girl think she is screwing with my head? All it took was one look and I'm fucked.

Choosing anger over logic, I return a smirk.

"Watch and learn boys."

I walk around them and head towards her, every step feeling heavy. I ignore all the blaring alarms in my head telling me not to do what I'm about to do to this innocent girl who's just going about her own business.

"Hey, do you need help" the words actually genuine.

Fuck. Me.

She looks up from the paper in her hand and that shit happens in slow motion I swear. And that breathless feeling in my throat, yeah, it's ten times worse when she finally looks at me.

Forest green eyes meet mine and her brows crinkle for a second before relief lights up her face.

"Oh thank you. I guess I'm a little turned around. I'm looking for locker 250."

Holy fuck it's like angels singing. Her voice is soft and quiet but it's euphoric. Again alarms ring in my head. Does she know what she's doing to me? What she's making me feel?

"Sure, it's right over there" I nod behind me, guilt gnawing at my chest.

"Thank you so much" her pouty lips forming into a beaming smile.

I gesture for her to follow me and turn my back. I see Nash and Gates in the corner of my eye, snickering, watching us.

"I'm Eve, by the way," her angelic voice wafts from behind me.

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