Don't turn around. That'll only make this harder.

"Devon" I reply, looking at the passing lockers.

"It's nice to meet you" I can hear the smile in her voice. "So, what grade are you in? I'm a freshman."

"Same as you," I say counting down the locker numbers in my head.

I'm being cold. I can tell it's beginning to throw her off.

"Oh. That's cool."

Yep, awkwardness is creeping into her tone. And that should make what I'm about to say easier but it doesn't.

Coming to stop, "Here you go, 250."

I should've kept my back to her because when I turn around to face her, I regret it. Eve is looking up at me with warmth and even a little trust in her eyes. And I'm about to fuck that all up.

"Just so you know, next time you come to school you might not want to look like you just clawed your way out of a hole. And you aren't doing yourself any favors with the nerd goggles, doll."

In horror, I watch all the warmth in her evaporate and be replaced with pain. She shudders and clutches her books tighter to her chest, looking down at the floor. Adding more insult to injury, I lean down til my lips are almost touching her ear.

"One more thing, hon. Don't fucking talk to me again. Better yet, stay the fuck out of my way. You get me?"

When she doesn't reply I slam my fist against the locker to her right, making her jump. My insides are being mutilated, my heart hemorrhaging, and throat struggling for breath.

What have I done?


2 years later

I'm going to cum and I'm not even touching my cock. As embarrassing as it is, this isn't new. But this time it's really bad because I'm in the middle of class, not even pretending to pay attention to anything but the lithe bundle of torture seated in front of me.

She's not doing anything even remotely lustful or risqué. Eve is just sitting with her back to me and her eyes on the whiteboard. But because my fixation with her is boarding on obsession, her most mundane movements drive me fucking crazy. Today it's the tank top she's wearing, granted she's got a sweater over it but it's slipped passed one shoulder, leaving her skin exposed. To add fuel to the pit of hell inside me, she's tied up her deep burgundy hair, exposing the nape of her neck.

My cock has been hard since the second she walked through the doors this morning. But right now it's bad. I've cum like this before, same position, same scenario, however today, I didn't jerk off this morning. I need to cum at least three times a day to keep my head on straight. Especially when I spend each day messing with the object of my lust.

Running late this morning meant I didn't get to jerk one out. Now I'm a powder keg of anger and sexual frustration. And Eve is going to feel it.

Fisting the edge of my desk, I lean forward, clenching my jaw when I get close enough to smell the apple scented body wash she uses and yes, I use that exact body wash to jerk my cock off in the shower. I know, obsessed much.

"Nice freckles, Tomato" I let the frustration drip into my tone.

Eve's shoulders stiffen, sweater slipping down her arm a little more. I choke back my moan and bite my lip to hold back my load. The desk creaks beneath my fists and I'm having a hard time controlling my breathing.

Her fucking freckles, they dust the tops of both her shoulders and her nose like stars. They aren't prominent, just enough for me to see them and lust after them. Beautiful.

Lifting one hand, I trail my index finger across her shoulder. It's meant to mess with her, poke fun at her. Instead, that simple touch to her supple skin makes me cum. I bite the inside of my cheek, not expecting it.

Eve is none the wiser to the fact she's made me cum so hard I'm seeing double. Instead, she yanks up her sweater and scoots further in her chair to get away from me.

Cum spurts from my tip and douses the inside of my jeans and fly. Embarrassing to say the least even if I'm the only one to know what just happened. And it only pisses me off more.

The rest of class I spend staring resentful daggers at the back of her gorgeous head. Cursing her for twisting me up like a fucking balloon animal.

As class lets up, I briefly turn to talk to a teammate which momentarily takes my eyes off Eve. I really should've done both simultaneously because when I turn back, some shit head is sniffing around her. They're across the classroom by the door, chatting. The fucker has a shit eating grin on his face while Eve returns it with a small smile. It may be small but it's enough for me to start seeing red.

I've seen this asshole before, he's a freshman on my team who transferred here a couple weeks ago. And he's not smart enough to get the memo that contact with Eve is a big no no, the rest of the team knows it. And I don't give a fuck what they think or what conclusions they come to. Eve is off limits and I'm about to inform this prick.

I come up behind her, so he sees me coming first. He's got his eyes glued to her at least ten seconds before he realizes I'm standing there. When he makes eye contact with me he tips his head in greeting.

"Kingston! Hell of a play you pulled this afternoon" he smiles, shifting his focus to me.

Eve stiffens at the mention of my name, turning slightly. She's not quite looking at me but it piques my attention.

Instead of responding to the asshole, I stare him down. He begins to chuckle awkwardly, looking away.

"I'm going to say this once and I won't say it again" I step forward, gritting my teeth.

Moving fast, I grip his neck and slam him into the wall. His eyes widen to saucers and he tries to pry my hands off him in panic. People around us gasp and get out of the way while some start egging me on.

I lean down to speak directly in his ear so only he hears me, "You stay the fuck away from her. I don't want to see you around her. I don't want to see you talk to her. She's dead to you, you get me motherfucker?"

He tries to nod but I still have him by the throat. I release him and he immediately scampers out of the classroom. I exhale, clenching my fists before turning back to Eve.

She looks so scared that it nearly scares me. Not trusting my voice or my emotions, I walk out without speaking to her. One day she'll know why I do what I do.



My wife knows exactly what she's doing right now. Biting her lip and flashing me a glimpse of cleavage as she leans forward to spoon peas into our daughter's mouth. She's also in the middle of speaking but I'm not paying attention to anything but her tits right now.

"Are you listening to a word I'm saying?"

"Mmhm" I murmur, obviously not.

"Will you ever get your head out of the gutter?" Eve sighs, lowering the spoon.

"Been in there since I saw you in the hallway twelve years ago so I'd say that's very unlikely to change. As a matter of fact Dr. Kingston, it's gotten worse" I scrunch my brows, getting serious. "I think I'm in need of your services, a counseling session perhaps? Clothing optional."

Eve rolls her eyes and wipes Penelope's chin, "Clothing optional, huh?"

I lean back in my chair, "Okay, non-optional. Just keep the heels and those glasses on."

She shakes her head, picks Penelope up, and plops her into my lap, "Make yourself useful and bathe your daughter."

"I'm not hearing a 'no'" I grin.

Eve tries to hide her smile, "We'll see what happens after you finish Daddy duty."

That's a yes. 

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