Chapter Three

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*Thanksgiving with the Brauns*
Burlington, Kansas,

Christian Braun is playing Animal Crossing on his Nintendo switch while his two brothers were doing the same thing as well. Not only that, Aaron Gordon joins the Braun family for thanksgiving when his mother and father were very excited to see him.

Mrs. Braun: Ah Aaron Gordon! You're just in time for the Thanksgiving with the Brauns.

Aaron Gordon: Yep.

Chris' Uncle: Are you my nephew's boyfriend?

Aaron Gordon: yes.

Chris' Uncle: I can see that. Actually, Chris is your girlfriend now and it's destined for the two of you to meet.

Aaron Gordon: oh yeah we did and he seems to be very intelligent.

Chris' Uncle: I see.

Aaron Gordon: Is Christian Braun here?

Mr. Braun: He's in the living room with his brothers.

Aaron Gordon: Alright, I'll look for him.

Parker Braun: Chris, there's someone who wants to see you.

Christian Braun: really?

Landon Braun: Yes Chris.

Parker Braun: You're Aaron Gordon's girlfriend.

Christian Braun: Goodness gracious! You two are way too much.

Aaron Gordon comes in.

Aaron Gordon: Hi guys.

Christian Braun: Aaron you're here! Why so early?

Aaron Gordon: Well your mom called me, so I decided to come join the Thanksgiving dinner with you.

Christian Braun: in one condition, please don't embarrass me in front of my family.

Aaron Gordon: Chris, I'm not embarrassing you, it's just that you're my girlfriend and just so you know I love you.

Chris was stopped by the fact that Aaron Gordon was in love with him. "You do?" Chris followed. "Yes, even if you're moody sometimes, but yes! I love you so much Christian Nicholas Braun. I'd do anything to make you my wife nonetheless," "I love you too Aaron," Chris said as he walked to the dining room. "Regardless of my mood swings and my tenacity, I'd be willing to be there for your yearly elopement," "Okay you went crazy for me," Aaron teases. "Not just crazy, but you're crazy beautiful you," "Aaron, I love you just the way you are. I just didn't think we would be still be in this circles altogether," Chris wanted to know how Aaron Gordon had felt about being his girlfriend. When they were gathering on the table. Mr. And Mrs. Braun noticed how he and Chris would be together as a couple.

Mrs. Braun: oh my goodness! What happened Aaron?

Mr. Braun: I know it's been a few months since you guys met and now you're rubbing in on Christian Braun.

Aaron Gordon: Actually Mr. And Mrs. Braun. I am hereby to announce that me and my girlfriend Christian Braun are officially together.

Mrs. Braun: Well just think how Christian would be planning to have kids with you.

Christian Braun: Mom seriously? 😆. Don't think you'll have a grandchildren anytime soon.

Mrs. Braun: I know, I'm just teasing you.

Christian Braun: Mom...

Chris starts to cry.

Mrs. Braun: Chris why are you crying? Was it something I said?

Christian Braun: Mom it's nothing, it's just that I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. I mean, it's official that Aaron Gordon and I are now a couple.

Mrs. Braun: That's amazingly impressive that you and Aaron are now a couple. Any plans on what you and Aaron can do? Maybe travel together? Plans for the wedding?

Christian Braun: Actually, I think we can take things slow for now because I wanted to spend more time with Aaron before settling down to plan for a wedding and then one day me and him can start a family for the meantime.

Mrs. Braun: Okay that's understandable. Oh and before you and Aaron go back to Denver, Do you need anything? Like Pads that you need?

Christian Braun: Yes mom.

Mrs. Braun: Okay, let's go to Costco next week and I'll buy you one.

Christian Braun: Okay Mom.

Although, Chris almost forgot to mention about why he started his period and decided to tell his mother about how it happened. "Mom?" He called out to her. "Yes Chris, what's up?" "You know you're not going to be upset right?" He looked in his confused face. "I don't know if I tell you this, but there were times that I was on my period," In fact, Chris would either act ballistic because he was dealing with the changes in his body.

Christian Braun: Mom, I can't be dealing with this crap like this because I know for a fact that I'm on my period.

Mrs. Braun: Chris it's alright! It can happen to anyone at the age.

Christian Braun: I know.

Parker Braun: Believe me, I had that happen too Chris, so you're not the only one who experienced this type of thing.

Christian Braun: Oh I see.

Parker Braun: So don't even worry about it.

Christian Braun's bedroom.

Chris was watching K-Drama on Netflix when Aaron Gordon enters the room. "Are you going to sleep soon?" Aaron asks. "Uh maybe later after I finish the 3 episodes of hometown cha cha cha," Chris said.

Aaron lays down next to Chris when he wanted to tell him something about what they were going to do next. However, he heard what Chris' mother had mentioned about Chris planning to have kids. Although, Chris had to explain to him that he wanted to take things slow because he wasn't ready to have a baby just yet.

Aaron Gordon: I understand.

Christian Braun: yep. Wait a minute if you're spending the night at my house, how come you don't have your shirt on?

Aaron Gordon: Chris, it's alright.

Christian Braun: seriously? I don't want to get pregnant yet. It's better for me to wear my pajama pants.

When they were in the room sleeping together. Chris and Aaron were snuggling up in a sheet of blankets together.

Aaron Gordon: you know Chris, if you and me were to become parents you know, we will be able to have the life together as being an athlete and a parents to our baby.

Christian Braun: Aaron, oh my goodness. I made a promise that we will slow things down but damn it I feel so bad. Maybe my father told me I should've used the protection but stupid me, I didn't use them the day before.

Aaron Gordon plants a kiss on Chris' forehead as Chris falls asleep on his chest.

Little did Christian Braun know that his life was about to change when he finds out he's pregnant. Well you know even when Chris was being moody, he is going to be pregnant with Aaron Gordon's baby.

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