Chapter 30{ i love you dad}

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Daisy's pov

"Mom we're back!"I shouted."Okay I have to go to worksheet said kissing David's cheek. We just came back from the cinema."Your sisters are at your grandma's you know how they love ma but not me"mom complained. "Bye honey" david tried lightning the mood cause mom looked like she was going to cry."Okay honey" she said. "Let's go bake some cookies" dad suggested."yeah I would love that" I smiled.


I was now in my room an a call with raven."come outside" she said. "What why?''I asked."Because I'm outsiders said. "Why?"I asked. "I miss my baby so I decided to go see her"she said. "Byt you saw me at school"i said. "Come outside or I will come inside your house"she said. "Okay,I'm coming"?I said now sneaking out if the house. I went out of the house after switching off a ton of alarms.

"You gonna get me in trouble"i said getting in her car."she just kissed me. It was a passionate kiss."how are baby doll?"Raven asked. "I'm good Miss arrogant''i smiled."how was my baby's  movie night with her dad?" Raven asked.
"It was good"i said. "Baby don't get me wrong but i have a bad feeling about this stepfather of yours " she said. "What!, how could you say that?"I asked.

"Princess he's bad news" she said. Wow I can't believe this."really Raven!? You know I've never had a father figure and know that i have one you're not being supportive!!" I shouted."lower your tone Princess" She said calmly. "Of course you wouldn't understand you have a dad who loves and a mother who's very supportive of you!!, that's why you wouldn't understand!!" I shouted.

"DAISY!! LOWER YOUR FUCKING VOICE!"she roared. "Or what?"I asked.
"Look I'm just looking out for you"she said. "You know what I don't need this,
Bye raven"i said getting out if the car.
I run back to my house crying. I found David seating in the living room watching. "Oh you're back" he said sarcastically. "How long have you been seating here?" I asked. "It don't matter why are you crying?" He asked.

I sat next to him."I went out to see raven"i confessed." I figured that out so wgh are you crying?"he asked. "We gog into a fight?"I said now crying. He hugged me."aww baby that's normal.
Couples fight and that makes the relationship even stronger than before"
He said." Really?" I asked now wiping my tears."yes really" he said. "You both love each other so don't worry you will be okay"he said. "Thanks dad.i love you dad"i hugged him and he hugged me back.

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