Vol 4 (Side Story 1): The third day (1)

Start from the beginning

He has to ask Ash whether he is qualified to be that person to him. What do you think of me? Do you see me as someone you can build a future with someday?

If he is allowed, he hopes to give Ash unforgettable beautiful memories, on par with the wonderful gifts and experiences Ash has given him. But Karlyle fears he has already dropped the ball on that one-isn't it contradictory to ask of such a thing when the tension is already so tangible they could practically touch it? It's entirely possible that Ash is fed up with him already, what with how shamefully he behaved yesterday.

His brain is a mess. He puts his fountain pen down. Rubbing the paper with his index finger, he slowly gets up and walks out of his room. He hadn't noticed it while he was immersed in his thoughts, but it's already past 10 o'clock. Somehow, there is cool sunlight filling the hallway and the whole house streaming through the front window. On what should have been a pleasant holiday, Karlyle has to face a lonely morning without Ash's warmth. That fact creates an unbearable loneliness in his heart.

With quiet steps, Karlyle makes his way to their bedroom. Looking at the open door, something warm spreads inside his chest, a longing singing in his heart, so profound he can't hide it any longer. He misses Ash so much that he doesn't know how he dared push him away. If he doesn't say he loves Ash right away, he is afraid that something bad will happen.

He pushes the door open hastily. But the bed is empty. The room is quiet.

Looking at the large, lonely and empty bed, his eyes narrow. He immediately turns around and strides downstairs to Ash's studio, nervous.

Ash isn't even in the studio. Karlyle stands at the door and looks inside for a moment, then he starts searching the entire house. Impatience strikes through his heart like a needle. His pulse beats erratically.

Karlyle parses through all the rooms, bathrooms and utility rooms before going down to the kitchen. It is then that he finds a note. His hands, which have been shaking with his anxiety, slowly steady when he sees it. There is breakfast on a wooden tray with a note on it. Well-roasted beans, mashed potatoes and French toast with seperate syrup. Topped off with a small salad and half-cooked egg in an egg cup.

His fingers are tingling. His lips pressed tight together, he walks into the kitchen. On the note is Ash's neat handwriting. It looks beautiful like a picture.

'I need to go to work for a while. Can you eat some even if you have no appetite? You didn't eat anything yesterday. If you feel a little better, I hope you can listen to my story. I love you.'

It's strange. It's just a handwritten note, but there's a gulf of emotion that lies beyond that. He touches the corner of the note tenderly and turns his eyes to the tray, eyes stinging.

His heart sinks with regret. Karlyle pulls out his chair silently, sits down, straightens his back, and picks up the fork. Then, without wasting a moment, he slowly shoves all the things Ash has made, one by one, into his mouth.

He eats because Ash wants him to eat, of course. But he is also grateful that despite everything, Ash is always thinking of him, and still cooks for him. Karlyle quietly polished off the set, leaving not so much as a crumb behind.

But after lunchtime, Ash still hasn't come back. Has his work been prolonged? Today is Monday but it's also a holiday, so he doesn't think there would be so much work at the company. Karlyle contemplates doing his work, but instead decides he will wait obediently for Ash. There's no way he can get anything done in this state.

He sits in the living room right near the entrance so that he can see Ash as soon as he enters. But even after a while, there is no sign of Ash's car outside. Nevertheless, like an obedient pet, Karlyle looks outside, sitting still and waiting patiently.

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