⚡️[Sodo x Swiss x Reader] Private Talk Pt. 2

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A/N : So as requested by sockkkkkkkkk, here's part 2 ^^
Sodo x Swiss x Ghoul reader, because so far I've only been seeing Ghoulette reader

【Fast forward a few weeks, Sodo and Swiss are still together, and the band is back to the ministry】

"So, Papa started, I'm going to need you all to be nice to the new Ghoul, y/n"

All the other Ghouls and Ghoulettes nodded, waiting to see what the new Ghoul looked like. As soon as you walked in, you could see Sodo, Rain and Swiss shifting in their seats, staring at you.

"Hi! I'm the new guitarist" you spoke, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt.

You were nervous. Your tail was tucked between your legs, slightly moving side to side.

They all greeted you, very happy to meet you. Rain stood up, and asked if you were ok with a hug, or preferred a handshake. You went for a hug, and soon the Ghoulettes joined you.

Swiss joined you too, but Sodo was still staring at you, making you blush. You looked away, and Swiss told him to get up and join in the hug, snapping him back to reality.

Papa smiled, happy to see all his Ghouls hugging each other.

*** Time Skip ***

As a Sister of Sin was leading you to your room and helping you get your stuff out of your suitcase, a head poked from your doorframe. It was Cumulus.

"So, I don't know if Papa or anyone told you, but dinner's at 7 p.m. she spoke, and Aether is the one cooking tonight."

You nodded.

"Oh and by the way, she added, your room is right in front of Swiss' room, with Aether to your left and me to your right."

You nodded again, and she smiled

"See you at dinner!

- Thanks, you replied, I'll try not to be late."

You looked at the clock. 6:30. You decided to shower, and thanked the Sister of Sin for her help.

As you got out of the shower, you heard a knock. You quickly put a towel around your waist, and answered the door, moving your hair out of your face.
It was Sodo.

"What do you want? You asked.

- I.. Uhm I just wanted to know if you wanted to come to my room after dinner... Nothing weird, he stuttered, blushing and looking at your chest, I just wanna play some guitar with you, to get used to it...

- Why not." you happily answered, feeling welcome in the group.

You closed the door, and got dressed for dinner. You didn't wanna be late at your first dinner here.

*** Time Skip ***

You ate your dessert, a chocolate mousse with hazelnut bits over it. It was very good, and you made sure to let Aether know. He offered to teach you the recipe one day, and you happily accepted.

You headed back to your room to brush your teeth and clean your face, then grabbed your guitar and headed to Sodo's room. You knocked on the door, and heard a falling noise.

"Sodo? You asked, worried.

- Mm yeah I'm fine, he answered, I fell off my bed...

- Are you hurt? You asked, trying to open the door.

- No, he answered, and the door is locked."

You put down your guitar in the hallway, and as soon as he opened the door, you looked at him to see if he was hurt. He wasn't, so you picked up your guitar again and asked him where his was.

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