
I sat down with my plate of food at the table and waited for my friends. As I took my first bite someone sat across from me. Newt sat down across from me, "Zoe is resting. They're looking after her."

"That's good," I smiled.

He nodded and began to eat quickly. Frypan, Molly, and Minho joined us. No one said much of anything. After we finished our food Vincecame and led us to another tent. Inside against one fabric wall was a bunch of cots. I took the one closest to the door and collapsed on it.

"We made it guys," Molly said as she sat on the bed with Minho next to mine. "We're free."

"Feels good," Frypan nodded. "Though I can't help but think about them. You know, our friends that should be here."

"Chuck," I smiled sadly.

"Winston," Minho added.

"Zart," Frypan smiled. "Alby."

"Ben," I said and smiled softly when a memory of my best friend popped into my mind.

"May we make them proud," Molly said thoughtfully. "They died so we could be here. And we're not going to waste it."

"I say shuck WCKD," I said. "I'm going to ask Vince to let me join up."

"I'm in," Frypan said.

"Let's tear down WCKD," Minho said.

I pulled the pillow over my head and rolled over. Sleep came easy.

When I woke up the sun was just disappearing behind the hill crest. I rubbed my tired eyes, stretched, and walked outside. A campfire had been lit in the middle of the camp. People were passing out cups of steaming liquid. I went to approach the gathering but froze.

"Daniel?" Someone asked. I looked to my right to see the man who had accompanied us from the pass. "Yes?"

"It's good to see you again," He smiled with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry have we met?" I asked. I was totally confused as to how this man knew who I was.

"I suppose you wouldn't remember me. You were just a tike when they took you."

It all clicked together at once. Like the last piece fitting perfectly into the rest of a puzzle. The man before me blurred with my memory of my family in the field. It was him.

"My name is Ridge Hannover," The man said quickly.

"No, It can't be," I shook my head.

"It can be, son. You have no idea how long I've been praying this day would come," He choked through tears. "I've spent the last ten years scouring this continent looking for you and your sister. I'd just about given up."

The tears that had pooled in the corners of my eyes spilt over, "Dad?"

He nodded. 

"Dad!" I ran into his arms and hugged him tight. I cried as we held each other. He held my face and smoothed my hair out of my eyes, "Look at you. You're a man now."

I wiped away the wet drips from my eyes with the back of my hand, "Well, it's been a long time dad."

"Too long son. I'm so sorry," He began. "I never should have-"

"Hey, what's done is done," I smiled. "Point being our family is back together. Where's mom?"

The grief that took over his expression felt a knife to my heart.

"Of course, you wouldn't know. She's no longer with us," He frowned. "She passed away when you were very young."

"Was she. Was she sick?" I asked.

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