Chapter Twenty Two - Take Back

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Julie's POV

I sat in the same place and cried. I ignored Caleb in the background. I couldn't think of anything else. I lost them. It was all my fault. They gave me everything and it's all my fault.

I looked down to see what Luke had left me. To my surprise it was the powder. He still wanted me to stamp Caleb. He knew I had to let them go so I could go free. It was so sweet. I held the powder in my hands and knew what I had to do. This is what they wanted.

I felt Caleb come up behind me.

"How does it feel?" I ignored him and continued to cry where the boys once were. I clutched the powder in my hand tightly.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way,"

"Shut up!" I cried. I know he didn't mean it. I finally had the courage to face him. I stood up, he smiled.

"You did this to them, it's a shame isn't it."
"You did this to them! Your jolts destroyed them!" I tried to yell as loud as I could but my voice felt weak and small.

"My offer still stands, you know, now that you need it most."

"What are you talking about?!" He stepped closer.

"Now that your band is gone you have nothing, no more music, no friends . Nothing. You're Alone, again." His words burned my skin.

"I'll let you join my house band, so you can have music, so you won't be alone." I took a step back.

"You want me to..." My voice trailed off.

"Might as well offer unless you want to end up like your band."

I turned to where the guys had once stood. I felt the curling up into a ball and crying till I had no tears left but, I couldn't do that I could let them down. I looked down at the stamper.

"Listen," I turned back to him. "I'll join your little club, I'll play all the music your black heart desires." He smiled and held out his hand.

"Then shake on it." Which was exactly what I wanted him to say. I stepped closer.

"But just so you know I'm not doing this for you," I put my hand out

"and I'm not doing this for me" then reached out for his hand.

"I'm doing this for my band." I reached for right above his wrist with the powder on my hands and stamped Caleb Covington. I took a step back as he screamed in pain.

"No!" He shouted.

"You really thought I would take your deal?" I laughed. He looked down at his wrist.

"You fool!" He yelled and grabbed me by the hand causing the powder to fall to the floor and spilled open, he threw me across the stage with whatever power he had left. I laid flat on the floor but looked up to see him struggling. He fell to the ground and right before my eyes he disappeared into a puff of smoke.

I did it.

I defeated him.

I pulled myself up to a sitting position. Now I really was alone. It was quiet in the club. Something that I had never seen it be.


I was definitely a little bruised, but mostly fine. I look back to the spot. Where the guys once were. I began to cry. I had almost forgotten. They were still gone. I may have defeated Caleb but not without a price.

I collapsed back on to the floor and cried.

I was alone in the Hollywood Ghost Club, crying. I couldn't think about anything else. I was alone. Caleb was right.

At least I was free, he couldn't get to me any more. He couldn't get to anyone anymore. The whole club was free.

I stood up. I wanted to be home. I found the strength I had and left. I didn't need to be here. It was a long walk home. I got a couple of weird looks. Which made sense since I was walking in a silver dress, and my hair was a mess. I finally got home and laid on the couch in the studio. It was Luke's couch.

I still couldn't believe this day. I defeated Caleb but I lost my boys. Was it worth it?

Author's Note

Hi guys.  Hope this was a good way to finish Caleb off.

Now Caleb is gone but the guys...... 

On a sad note there are only a few parts left :( 

But see you tomorrow

Thank You :) 

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