Chapter Four- Willie

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Alex's POV

I was ninety percent sure Julie liked Luke. So pretty sure. I wanted to talk to Julie just to be absolutely sure. I knocked on her door.

" Come in!" She shouted from inside. I walked through the door and Julie sat on her bed. She looked up and smiled.

"Oh hey Alex!"

"Hey Julie, can we talk?" I approached. She nodded and I sat next to her on the bed. I started my pitch.

We had been talking for the past twenty minutes and I'd just like to say I love having a little sister.

" I just don't think Luke likes me like that." She complained.

"Are you crazy? He definitely likes you but what about Nick?" I wonder if she still had some feelings for him.

"He's my friend, I want to be his friend but not his girlfriend you know?" Julie seemed stressed. I had felt it too. Ever since we played the Orpheum I've been looking for Willie. I'm worried about him. What if Caleb found out about him helping us? He'd be dead! ( well dead again ) I didn't want anything bad to happen to him.

"Yea I get it" I replied.

"Now tell me why you're upset." Dang it! How did she know? Was it that obvious?

"It's just" I began " It's Willie. I haven't seen him in a few days and I'm worried something might have happened to him."

" You should look for him. I bet he thinks you crossed over like you were supposed to! You need to find him!"

"I guess you're right." I wanted Willie to come to me but I guess I had to go to him. " I like having a little sister," I smiled at Julie.

She laughed. " I like having an older brother." We laughed and continued our conversation.

Luke's POV

The next day I waited in the studio for Alex. He said he would meet me here at three and it was already almost four! Alex was never late to anything. (Well, unless we made him late.)

I waited and waited and waited. Finally after like an hour he showed up.

"Alex, where have you been! I've been waiting for like, ever." I shouted as he entered the studio.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I just was talking to Julie and" I cut him off.

" You told her!" I shouted.

" No, and you need to chill, I was talking to her about Willie, I'm worried about him."

I suddenly felt bad for Alex, more than I ever had in the past. He was hurting. And he was in love, I knew I had to help him. I could deal with my own love story later.

" Alex I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I can help you with Julie now." He said as he sat next to me on the couch.

"No" I replied "I'm going to help you find Willie!" I jumped off the couch.

"What?" Alex exclaimed. He gave me a confused look.

"We can deal with my love life later, yours is more important than mine." I graded Alex's hands, pulling him off the couch.

"Come on! Let's grab Reggie and look all over Hollywood." I got Alex up off the couch and to his feet.

"You really wanna help me?" He looked surprised. I could care about other people!

"Yes, and we're burning daylight, let's go!" I shouted.

Alex's POV

Luke, Reggie and I spent hours walking around Hollywood. We searched everywhere for Willie. We looked where we first met, the museum, everywhere! I was starting to lose hope.

I sat on the side of the road. Luke and Reggie went to check the outside of the Hollywood ghost club. (We didn't dare go in) I wanted to stay behind to clear my head. So I sat on the side of the road, crying silently to myself. Wondering where Willie could be. I poofed back to the studio. I needed to be with my drums.

I poofed in and to my surprise. Sitting at my drums...


I felt tears come to my eyes at the sight of him.

"Willie?" I managed to say. He stood up from my drums.

"Alex?" He ran over to me. I pulled him in for a hug.

He pulled me in for a kiss.

Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined anything more perfect. I looked up to him.

"I thought you were gone!" I whispered, unable to talk any louder.

" I thought you crossed over." He whispered, matching my tone. I couldn't believe I had finally found him.

Reggie POV

Luke and I have been searching everywhere for Willie. Luke has been talking nonstop about Julie since we left Alex.

I don't know what was wrong with them but they have got to get their love life straight because right now it's a mess. Both of them .

Luke and I poofed back to the studio to see Alex and... Willie, dang we missed something.

"Willie?" Luke looked just as confused as I felt. Alex and Willie looked up.'

"Oh hey guys I found Willie!" Alex exclaimed.

"We have been looking for him for like hours! Why wouldn't you have told us?" Luke yelled.

"Sorry, I lost track of time, I just couldn't believe I found him." Alex smiled.

"I have to go but first there is something you guys should know." Willie looked nervous as he spoke. Alex grabbed his hand and Willie continued.

"Caleb hasn't been at the Hollywood Ghost Club since you guys left the club, He must know you didn't cross over."

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means" He paused. "You guys are in serious trouble." I looked to Luke, who looked to Alex. Willie continued. We listened. 

Author's Note

Hi!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next one will be out tomorrow. 

Thank You :)

Edge of great- A Julie and the Phantoms Fan fictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें