Chapter Fifteen - Deal

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Julie's POV

"Leaving so soon?" It was Caleb. Luke stopped in his tracks and gripped my hand tighter as if he couldn't let go. We stood in place unable to move.

"I see you've come for Julie." Caleb was talking to Luke. "Ready to answer to my demands." Luke stood there silent. Then the lights went out. Then flicked back on but something was different. All the people were gone. Luke was still next to me, still gripping my hand tight. Caleb was still in front of us.

"Sorry about that with all the noise I couldn't think straight." He laughed.

"We're not joining your band." Luke managed to say. Alex, Reggie, and Willie came up behind him.

"Yes you will, you'll have to. You want to save Julie don't you" I hated that he was using me as bait. It made me feel like this was my fault. Which I guess it was. I looked to see Luke's face, he bit his lip. He was thinking something as if he was trying to come up with a plan.

"Can you give us a minute," Caleb grinned and nodded and Luke gestured the others over.

"Guys we need a plan." I told them.

"If we take his deal, you'll be safe but..." Alex started then trailed off.

"Listen," Luke put his arms on my shoulders. "I think we have to do this."

"No, no there has to be another way, we can't just give up, we have to have to..." I started then Reggie cut in.

"Julie, please let us do this, we can still try to defeat Caleb but there's no other way." Tears came to my eyes. I couldn't lose them.

"Don't worry this isn't goodbye, fate brought us together once, it'll do it again." Alex smiled to hide his pain.
"But, but I can't lose you guys."

"Alex is right, this isn't goodbye." Luke whispered. "Please."

"No! There has to be another way!"

"Jules, we have to do this." Luke spoke softly. I was about to respond but the guys turned back to Caleb.

"Fine we'll take your deal, only if you let Julie go." Alex tried to sound strong.

"But guys-" I started but Caleb cut in.

"Wonderful, Julie is free to leave then, I'll even send her." He reached out his hand to send me home. My eyes widened, so I stopped him.

"Wait!" I yelled, "Can't I say goodbye." Tears ran down my face. I felt weak and helpless. I couldn't help them. I wanted to help them. They were trying to help me.

He groaned. "If you must." I turned to them and fell into a group hug. I didn't want to let go but I knew I had to. When I pulled apart I first turned to Reggie. I gave him a hug.

"Thank you Reg, for showing me how to have fun." I told him. He smiled as tears formed in his eyes.

"Never forget how to." He replied. Then I went to Alex and gave him a big hug. He was also crying.

"Alex, thanks for always being there for me."

"No matter what happens I'll be here." He told me. Then I came to Luke. I gave him a hug. He kissed my cheek and held me in his arms.

"Thank you Luke, for everything." He squeezed me tighter.

"This isn't the end Jules, we'll be together again, trust me." He whispered in my ear. He let me down and I turned back to Caleb.

"You can send me home now." I sighed and braced myself.

"Perfact." He waved his arms and I looked back at the guys.

"Bye" I whispered and suddenly I was back in my room. The guys were gone. I lost them. This was all my fault. I shouldn't have let them take his deal. They did this all for me. And I did nothing. My band was gone, my family was gone.

My Phantoms was gone.

Author's Note

Hi!! Hope you enjoyed.  Next part will be up tomorrow.

Thank You :) 

Edge of great- A Julie and the Phantoms Fan fictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt