Chapter 1 - forgotten

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If you don't remember much of what happened in last book, I suggest you read the last 2/3 chapters of book 1 to get some insight ^^

"What? Who are you..?" Blitzø looked at Stolas as he never had known him.

"What do you mean... blitz." Stolas chuckled in disbelief, this had to be one of Blitzø's funny jokes. He could not live in a reality where Blitzø had forgotten him.

"I MEAN, who the fuck are you!?" Blitzø hurried out of the bed and onto the floor, to get as far away from Stolas.

"Heh- blitz, what are you doing?" Stolas gulped nervously, still in denial. He was trying to trick himself into thinking this was all a joke. But it was very much real.

"Listen you.. you" Blitzø paused to look for anything threatening, when he discovered a gun by his side and decided to point it right at Stolas. "you answer me. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!"

Stolas clenched his hands worriedly. Blitzø pointing a gun right at him was more hurting than he thought. "I..." he said quietly, almost whispering.

"What?!" Blitzø shouted at him, his fingers shaking of his strong grip around the gun.

The shocked owl was startled by Blitzø's shouting, it seemed so unlike his blitz to behave like this. He was like a total stranger to him... after everything.

"I.. my name is Stolas of the ars goetia.. and you know me blitz.... You" his words was shaking as he struggled to get the words out, "you said you love me." Stolas eyes looked deeply into Blitzø's, but the only expression he made was filled with disgust.

Blitzø took a step back and frowned, "love you? Bitch I don't love anyone. And especially not some rich ass prick like you" he confessed.

Blitzø's words felt more painful than the bullet that hit his chest, his sadness completely clouded his features. Only a tear fell down from his eyes. "I... wha.... but you-"

"BUT I WHAT?! Don't try to gaslight me into thinking I would EVER have a relationship with someone like you" Blitzø scoffed at him before glancing over at the door, "and I'm sure as hell not staying in some rich ass people's palace.."

Blitzø was on his way out, out of Stolas life.

Stolas hurriedly got up from the bed, halting towards Blitzø as he laid his cold slim hand on his shoulder. Stopping him from leaving the room.

Blitzø's cold gaze turned to look at Stolas, his eyes were desperate. He looked to the side at Stolas hand resting on his shoulder, shortly after moving away from him. "Get your fucking hand off me perv"

Stolas was left in silence, crippled by his fear and sadness. But he couldn't let Blitzø walk away like this..

"Ehm dad?" Octavia peeked out from the hallway, glancing at her father looking more soulless than ever. "Are you alright?..."

"He doesn't..." Stolas words came out shaking, amongst the heavy breathes and cold tears.

"Who doesn't what" via looked confused down at him. He looked so pale, almost sick. "Dad you don't look too good."

"Via he... you can't let blitz leave" Stolas expression slowly went from hurt to intense fear, as he turned to her.

The way her father looked at her made her understand that something was off. She tumbled off and went after blitz who was on his was down the stairs.

"Blitz!" She yelled after him as she hurried towards him. He didn't answer her.

As she finely caught up and tried to lay a hand on his shoulder, Blitzø turned quickly taking a strong grip around her wrist.

"What!?" He yelled to her face. Blitzø looked soulless, but not the kind of hurt and sad soulless. But the kind of soulless as he was unrecognizable, like a different imp than the one they so much cared for.

"What the fuck is up with you?.." via frowned at him, trying to move away but Blitzø kept clenching to her wrist. Not letting go.

Eventually Loona came out from the bottom of the stairs, glancing at the two of them. "What are you doing..." she said carelessly.

Blitzø decided to let go of via and ignore her and Loona, he was just marching towards the exit.

Loona stepper infront of Blitzø, blocking his way out. "Why the fuck are you acting so weird Blitz?"
Her eyes narrowed at him, while his eyes were still soulless, not a care in the word.

"I don't care who you are, just get out of my way" Blitzø grunted in annoyance trying to get past Loona, only to be picked up and put back where he stood.

"Fuck is that supposed to mean?" Loona said with an attitude. Resting a hand on her hip.

"I don't know you bitch! So get out of my way!" Blitzø yelled yo to her face, feeling no regret what so ever.

He pushed himself away from Loona leaving her with her ears back and her brows pulled together. She covered up how hurt she really felt, by blitz completely overlooking her.

As Blitzø had made it to the door, one final disturbance had appeared.

Asteria and Cealus stood in the stairs looking down at the scene. Asteria could feel something was off. Something was wrong with Blitzø.

Asteria squinted her eyes as she used her powers to pull Blitzø backwards to her presence. "BITCH what are you -" Blitzø shouted.

"You look like blitz but you don't act like blitz.." Asteria narrowed her eyes at the imp struggling to get out.

"I don't know you fucking rich lady, so let GO" he grunted as he leapt toward the exit, only for his whole vision to fade into blackness and his body collapsing.

Stolas was at the top of the stairs as he let out a gasp, he quickly hurried down to crouch down next to imps body. "Was that really necessary? Is he alright?" His voice said shaking.

"Ugh he's fine" Loona sighed dropping the bat she had knocked him out with.

Stolas carefully wrapped his slim arms around the imp lifting him up from the floor.

"Just place him in the guest room, we'll have some doctors examine him.. but you should get some rest now" Asteria soft smiled at Stolas from his side.

He only gave her a quick nod as he slowly carried the unconscious blitz upstairs. He was to sleep in a guest room, not his room. These days was gonna be so much different than he had imagined. He felt tired. Tired of all the fighting for their relationship, only for blitz to forget him.

Maybe it was all worth it in the end, he thought. Maybe he would have his happy ending with blitz, but that was unlikely.

At last he laid blitz on a single bed in the guest room. He didn't want to leave blitz out of his sight. He merely stood there admiring his little imp, but it was so painful at the time.

His slight smile turned downwards and his eyes fell. He simply couldn't endure the pain as he left the room closing the door behind him.

Outside stood Asteria, sad smiling at him. "Don't worry, he'll remember you" she tried assuring him.

"Thank you, Asteria." Stolas forced a slight slime onto his face. As he walked towards his room.

He opened and closed the doors which left an echo in the room. It seemed like all the walls, furniture and the whole aesthetic of the room had turned more depressive.

Stolas let out a long sigh as he fell onto his bed, starting at the ceiling. He couldn't help but think of blitz. He had corrupted his mind completely.

What if he would never remember him again.

"Oh blitz..." he said softly, as he turned to his side letting a tear fall down from his glowing eyes.



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