I've Got You Brother

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Someone asked for Buck and Maddie content so here's some Buckley sibling comfort plus Chimney

Maybe this wasn't his best choice. He knew that deep down. But he'd just woken up from a nightmare and he needed Maddie. He couldn't wait long enough to call her and ask her to come over, rather he'd ran to his Jeep and started speeding towards her house. Sure, he was sobbing and hyperventilating as he drove, but he needed to get to his sister.

"Wake up! Someone's knocking at the front door." Maddie spoke in a quiet panic, sitting up in bed and shaking Chimney awake at 4:15 am.

"Huh- what? It's 4 in the morning." He sat up confused before waking up fully. Once he was really awake, Maddie's panic seeped into his own mind. Who in the world was here at 4 am? This couldn't be good.

"What if it's a murderer? Or- or someone coming to kill us and take Jee? What if-" Maddie's anxiety took over before Chim cut her off.

"Okay, okay. If it's a murderer, they're the nicest one in the world to knock first. I'm sure it's nothing like that." He assured her even though he was also worried by the knocking. He got out of bed and grabbed the baseball bat they kept by the nightstand. "I'll go check it out. You stay here."

"Okay." She took a deep breath, watching as he left the room and turned the lights on as he walked to the front door.

Chimney got to the door and looked through the window, the bat raised on his shoulder, before he saw Buck and relaxed. Unlocking the door and setting the bat down, he was ready to give his future brother-in-law an earful.

"Buck, I didn't think this needed said, but-" he started before he opened the door enough to see Buck crying and unable to take a breath. "Whoa, hey what's wrong? What's going on, buddy?"

Buck saw Chimney open the door and shook his head. "Maddie. I- I need my- I need my sister." He got out as Chimney took his arm gently and pulled him inside.

"Okay, it's alright. She's here, okay?" He spoke calmly, fearful about whatever had Buck in this state as he took him into his arms and let Buck sob on his shoulder. "Hey Mads? It's Buck. He needs you." He called to his fiancé soft enough to not awake their daughter.

Maddie sighed in relief and started towards the entryway, ready to lecture her brother about not showing up at 4 am, or at least using his key when he did. But when she saw him falling apart in Chim's arms, that lecture went out the window.

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" She rushed to him and he immediately abandoned Chimney and clung onto her as tight as he could. "Breathe for me, okay? It's alright, just breathe." She returned the hug, rubbing his back to try and calm him.

"Nightmare- you never- you never came back to me. You stayed in- you stayed in Boston and I didn't- I didn't know if you were okay and- and I was alone here and I- and I needed you." He wailed heartbreakingly as Maddie continued to try and calm him down.

"Shh, it's okay. It was just a dream. I've got you, brother. I'm right here, you aren't alone." She reassured him, pushing aside her own hurt at the anguish her actions had indirectly caused her brother.

Chimney silently guided them towards the couch, a hand on each sibling's arm. He ensured they sat down on the couch, Buck still in Maddie's arms, before he went to the kitchen to make some tea and also give them some space.

"I'm sorry- I just- I needed you. I know I shouldn't have just showed up but-" he started through sniffles as Maddie ran her fingers through his hair.

"Shh, it's okay. You're alright. I'm right here with you. Just breathe." She comforted him as his sobs started to reduce and his breathing began to regulate. They sat like that for awhile longer until Buck's breathing was back to normal.

Maddie pulled away slightly and placed her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

Buck nodded, sniffling once again before Chimney came in with cups of tea.

"Are we okay in here?" He asked cautiously, placing the mugs on the coffee table. "Anything I can do?"

"Are we okay?" Maddie repeated the question to Buck, still holding his head in her hands.

Buck nodded and shifted to sit beside Maddie instead of across her lap. "We're okay."

"Okay. Good." Chimney nodded, gesturing towards the tea. "I made some tea. Anything else I can do? You guys want space for some Buckley sibling bonding?"

"You can stay. You're going to be my sibling, too." Buck picked up a mug of tea and leaned back into Maddie's side.

Chimney smiled and sat on the opposite side of Buck. "I'm glad you came here when you needed to, even if you gave us a mild heart attack. Use your key and just come in next time." He made light, receiving a kick in the leg from Maddie.

"My keys are still in the car." Buck explained, his spare key to their house on the key ring with his car keys.

"Not that we live in a bad neighborhood or anything, but I'm going to go get those." Chimney ruffled Buck's hair lovingly before heading outside to the driveway.

"You sure you're okay?" Maddie asked her brother worriedly as he set the mug back down on the table in front of them.

"Yeah, I just needed you." He sighed softly, laying his head on her shoulder.

"Well you've got me, anytime. Just like I've got you." She played with his hair as he fell back asleep, thoroughly exhausted from his emotions. Maddie closed her own eyes and leaned her head on top of Buck's, ready to get whatever sleep she could until Jee woke up.

Chimney walked back into the house and saw them both asleep on the couch. "How long did it take me to get these?" He whispered to himself, setting Buck's keys on the coffee table. He covered each sibling with a blanket and smiled before turning out the lights and going back to bed.

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