Once she saw her coming Nita came running towards her looking worried. Piya tried to compose herself but she couldn't hide anything from her aunt. She would know if something was wrong with her.


"Let me pay for the taxi first."

Piya said giving her a small smile. She paid the driver and came back. Once the taxi left they both went inside. She knew her aunt had so many questions for her but not now. She could not answer any of them now.

She was tired, frustrated, angry, sleepy, scared and hungry all at once.

She looked at her aunt who was waiting for her to say something, but instead of saying anything she just went to her aunt and hugged her.

Nita didn't press her because she knew whenever she was ready she will tell her everything. She stood silently holding and soothing her.

Piya on the other hand could not hold it back any longer. She cried her heart out holding her aunt tightly.

For how long do they have to leave in fear and hiding as if they had committed some crime. Why was God not showing mercy on them even after going through so much.

Nita was now a little worried about her. After Piya had calmed down and stopped crying she withdrew, holding her shoulders and looked at her with concern.

"Piyu, sweetheart what happened?"

"Not now Aunty, may be tomorrow. Just not now."

"Okay" Nita agreed kissing her forehead.

"And it's Pooja."

"Yes ofcourse POOOOJA..."

Nita said with a smile and shaking her head.

"Go freshen up, and then let me feed you something. You must be hungry."

Piya nodded and went towards the small bathroom on one side of the room.

Once she was out first thing she did was to check on her grandmother. She was peacefully lying on the bed with so many machines attached to her body. It makes her cry looking at her in this state. One day she was fine talking and walking and then... No matter how much she begs her grandma to wake up she never does. Even if it is for a minute she could be happy. To hear her voice once. Call her Piyu. Hug her just once. She sat near the bed and held her hand and kissed the back of it.

"I love you so much grandma. Please wake up soon."

After sitting for a few minutes and talking to her she kissed her forehead and went out. Her aunt had already kept a sandwich and a cup of milk ready for a on the table.

Piya switched on the laptop that was on the table and started working on it. Her aunt came from the kitchen with another sandwich in her hand.

"I have completed all the work you told me to do you can just relax and go to sleep."

Nita said placing the sandwich on the table in front of her.

"Okay, but let me just take a look at it and then I'll go to bed."

She was supposed to submit the work at the lawyer's office tomorrow where she works a morning shift before working in the cafe.

The pay is not much compared to what she gets at cafe but it helps. Also they allow her complete her work from home which is even better because then her aunt helps her with that work. It's mostly typing and drafting agreements and affidavits or mailing clients.

"Oh and before I forget. I got a call from Galaxy bakery in the morning they want you to make fifty cupcakes for some kids first birthday party in two days."


"You don't have to stress yourself so much Piyu. I think we are doing good with your current jobs and there is no need to take more jobs."

Nita was worried because Piya was over working herself. But what else she could do. They have to survive this.

"I am fine aunt Nita. You know I love baking and cooking, so it's actually a stress reliever for me. And I am not making any compromise with grandma's treatment."

"I wish I could help you but you know my cooking skills."

"Yes aunt Nita you make the best sandwiches in the world."

Piya got up kissed her aunt wishing her good night and went towards the sofa which has become her bed for so long.

The house where they live is very small. Just one bedroom, kitchen and hall. Her grandmother was in  the bedroom, and she and her aunt slept in the hall. The house was old and shabby, still it was comfy, but it was not a neighborhood she would want them to live in. It was the only affordable place she could find close to her workplace.

Just as she was about to close her eyes she heard someone shouting from outside and breaking something. She sighed.

It was not something new. It happened regularly even in the middle of the night. Must be some drunk people fighting.

Last think that crossed her mind was a certain drunk jerk she had met few moments ago before drifting off to sleep.

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