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The ambulance ride to the hospital was silent. Apparently, Jaemin couldn't go anywhere without a family member or family friend, and since Hyunbin, Taeseon, and Daehyeon were neither of that, they had to chase Hyeonggeun down and drag his ass to the ambulance.

Jaemin laid on a stretcher as paramedics helped patch him up. Hyeonggeun didn't look, already feeling guilty enough.

Once they arrived to the hospital where their friends were waiting, Jaemin was sent to the ER as Hyeonggeun met up with the rest. This time, Hikari, Yuma, and Junwon were there, too.

"Ggeun!" Hikari called out, immediately taking him into a hug. "Jaemin? How is he?"

"They say he's in a stable condition." Everyone let out sighs of relief, even almost cried in Yuma's case.

"I shouldn't have been so loud… this is all my fault." Yuma held his head in his hands as the guilt settled in. Hyunbin rubbed the shorter's back, though he didn't deny it. They knew Yuma only had good intentions, he just… had a big mouth.

As everyone waited for the doctor to come and tell them about Jaemin's condition, Daehyeon tugged on Hyeonggeun's sleeve, gesturing for him to come somewhere private so they could talk.

"Hyeon? What is it?" The blue haired ask, wondering what it could've been about. "Ggeun, I know you have a heart somewhere in there. Please, take care of Jaemin hyung from now on."


"Despite the way you treat him, he likes you, Hyeonggeun… as more than a friend."

Hyeonggeun's jaw slacked, shocked and confused. After everything, how could Jaemin like him?  "Daehyeon… why are you telling me this?"

"Because I like him too, I don't want to see him hurt, so just… please…" As the younger's voice got quieter, Hyeonggeun softened. Eventually, he nodded. "I don't know if I like him, but… I'll take care of him."

"No, you do like him. That's why I'm telling you this. It's not obvious, but I know you worry for him. You know practically everything about him, from his manners down to the way he speaks." Daehyeon said. Hyeonggeun thought about it for a while, before realizing that it was true. He knew everything about Jaemin from being with him for so long, but… did he like him?

"How could I like him? You know how I treat him. How could he even like me!"

"Honestly, I don't know, either. He told me a few days ago, but didn't want to confess because he knew he wasn't the person you're looking for. He just… wants the best for you. Do with that information as you will."

Daehyeon patted his shoulder before returning back to the waiting room. Being the same age, his words never failed to hit Hyeonggeun hard. It felt like his whole world had been crashing onto him. After all this time of following him, was it really because he liked him?

Dozens of questions poured into the boy's mind, wondering if the relationship they had now was a fake to hide Jaemin's true feelings. Was it to hide Hyeonggeun's, too?

After everything that happened with Junyou and his friends, Hyeonggeun's anger and bitterness towards Jaemin has completely disappeared, instead replaced with worry and guilt that ate him from the inside. Although he was still pissed at his the older was too quick to forgive him, he just didn't want him to get hurt, especially because of him.

His train of thought was interrupted when the doctor came out and he immediately jogged to the waiting room. He stood next to Daehyeon as they waited anticipatingly for the update.

"He's doing fine, but his body is pretty battered. It could take a while for so many bruises and cigarette burns to heal. He can go home later today, but can't do any rigorous activities, and that includes going to school. You're all free to go in, but I suggest one person going in first just so he isn't overwhelmed."

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